Special Chapter #4

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Valentine's Day Special!
School AU


"Hm? What are you talking about?" Y/n owlishly blinked, zipping up his jacket

"It's white day tomorrow! Don't tell me you forgot!" Emma huffed.

"I know that it's tomorrow, but why is it that you're asking me if I've bought something?" Y/n raised a brow, scratching the back of his head.

"Because you have to return some favors! Hina-chan, Senju, and Yuzuha all gave you giri choco on Valentine's Day. Now, you must repay them for their kindness." Emma frowned.

"Oh-...Oh yeah." Y/n realized as he paused.

"I figured you'd forget, but luckily, I have some shopping to do today, so I can go with you and help." Emma said, turning and sitting by the door to put on her shoes.

"Thank you~" Y/n grinned as he slipped his own shoes on.

"Yeah yeah."


"This is it, right?" Y/n asked, lifting a packaged chocolate.

"Mhm! Go ahead and get three of them." Emma nodded as she placed a few things in a basket.

"Hmm..." Y/n hummed as he stared at the shelf.


Emma looked to the side and her mouth fell agape to see that Y/n had swiped his arm on the shelf, knocking a bunch of chocolates in his basket.

"You're buying all of that?" She asked.

"Mhm! I figured I should give some to my friends. Or I might end up eating them myself. Who knows." Y/n shrugged, slightly shaking the basket.

"I see." Emma slightly chuckled.


~The Next Day~

Y/n whistled as he stepped foot onto campus, bag filled to the brim with chocolates as he swung it in circles by his side. A few kids quickly moved aside, just barely avoiding being hit by the bag because of the boy's carelessness.

"Hey, N/n!" Bachira grinned, waving his arms as he ran towards the boy.

"Hey, Bachi!" Y/n grinned, stepping aside and avoiding the boy's attempt to tackle him.

"Here ya' go." He said, tossing a package of chocolate to Bachira.

"Oh...For me?" Bachira paused, staring at the item with wide eyes.

"Well, yeah. You're my buddy, so I couldn't not get you one." Y/n shrugged.

"Hehe, thanks~" Bachira smiled widely, his fingers tightening their hold on the packaging.

"It was no problem at all." Y/n said, giving a thumbs-up.

"Judging by that bag...You got some for other people too." Bachira said, eyes shifting to the bag in the boy's grasp.

"Yup. You know where the team's at?" Y/n asked.

"Well, since we didn't have morning practice today, they might be in their homeroom classes." Bachira rubbed his chin.

"Alright. You're coming with me to bring them this." Y/n grinned, pulling the boy's arm as he ran inside the school.

"Alright!" Bachira beamed.

The boys were luckily able to locate most of the others, like Otoya, Yukimiya, Karasu, Hiori, Tokimitsu, Gagamaru, Niko, Aryu, Jin, and Zantetsu. He also (begrudgingly) gave one to Raichi.

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