⚽️Chapter 2⚽️

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"Do you have all your things?" Emma asked, staring as Y/n who sat on the ground tying his shoes.

"Yup. It's not like I need too much things. Jinpachi told me that most of my belongings will be confiscated." Y/n slightly pouted.

"Well, you are going to be living a new life now. One that will help you reach the football you want." Emma smiled.

Y/n stood and looked back at her, mirroring the smile she wore.

"Hmm...As much as it embarrasses me to say this, I'm gonna miss you." Emma said, her cheeks tinted red.

"Awww!~ I'm gonna miss ya' too!" Y/n grinned.

"You better become the best in the world!" Shinichiro entered the hall, staring at Y/n with determination.

"That's the plan. You and Emma better be there to congratulate me." Y/n nodded.

"We sure will. You make sure to take care of yourself. We're not gonna be there to nag you over your responsibilities." Shinichiro pointed out, ruffling the boy's hair.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm not a baby. I'm a man." Y/n puffed his cheeks.

"You sure don't seem like it." Shinichiro laughed.

Emma looked at her phone and sighed, "You have to get going now, Y/n. You have to walk there, y'know."

"Why can't I just take Babu?" Y/n pouted, his body hunching.

"Well, your precious Babu is going to be left alone for a long time in an old parking lot if you take it. Someone might also steal it." Shinichiro chuckled.

"True." Y/n slowly nodded, his eye twitching at the idea of someone stealing his precious ride.

"Did you say goodbye to the others?" Emma asked, referring to Y/n's friends. 

"Yup! They were shocked but they told me that they're proud." Y/n grinned. "Takemitchy even started tearing up!"

"As expected of him." Shinichiro chuckled.

"Well, I guess I'll get going now." Y/n sighed, opening the door.

He slightly flinched as two pairs of arms wrapped around him and the familiar scent of his siblings surrounded him.

"We'll miss ya', brat." Shinichiro sniffled.

"We'll be here when you get back." Emma smiled, tears pricking the corners of her eyes.

Y/n blinked before smiling, "Thanks. I'm counting on it."


Y/n stared at the paper in his hands before glancing at the signs on the wall that read "Japan Football Union".

"This should be the place...I think." He muttered, his eyes averting the building. 

Just then, he heard someone muttering to themselves as they stood on the path before him, staring at a similar paper that Y/n had.

"Hmm..." Y/n stared at him.

A grin stretched on his face and he walked over to the boy, raising his hand in a greeting manner, "Yo. You here for the project too? What's your name?"

The black-haired boy flinched and looked at Y/n, his blue eyes slowly widening as he stared.

"I-I'm Isagi Yoichi! Nice to meet you!" The boy greeted.

'I can't believe it! He's here too?!'

"I'm Sano Y/n. So, are you excited about this project?" Y/n asked.

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