🇯🇵Chapter 29🇯🇵

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Y/n (12) absentmindedly tapped away on his phone as he waited for the Itoshi brothers. Their game had just ended and he decided to be kind enough to buy them ice cream.

"Hey, N/n." Rin called while he and Sae approached.

"Yo. Great game." Y/n said as he raised a peace sign.

"Let's go. You owe us ice cream." Sae said as he started walking away.

"I don't owe you. I'm treating you." Y/n huffed, not seeing the hidden grin on Sae's face.

"All I know is that we're getting ice cream and you're paying for it." Sae said.

"I might just buy Rin-Rin two ice creams and none for you." Y/n said while holding his hands behind his head.

"You say that but you won't." Sae shrugged. "And Rin would probably give the 2nd one to me."

Y/n glanced at Rin to see an awkward smile on his face, confirming Sae's statement.

"Wow! Okay, team up on me or whatever, underlashes brothers." Y/n frowned.

Sae and Rin stared at Y/n with deadpanned expressions at his last comment.


Rin blinked as he stared at the word written on his popsicle stick.

"Geh- I won the prize." He said.

"Way to waste your luck, Rin." Sae said, munching on his treat.

"Destruction of evidence!" Rin said, throwing the popsicle stick into the ocean below them.

"Ooh! That's littering! I'm snitching!" Y/n playfully grinned.

"I didn't mean to...It was done impulsively..." Rin pouted.

"Unlike you who has fallen for Sae's trick, I feel great about winning." Y/n grinned as he stared at his popsicle stick.

"Your luck is now wasted. Something unluckily will come soon." Sae said as he looked away at the accusation.

There was a momentary silence as the trio simply enjoyed the view and cool weather, in the company of one another.

"Hey, Rin. What do you think about when you play football?" Sae questioned.

"Nothing much. I guess I just think about scoring since if I dash to where it looks critical, you'll pass to me." Rin replied.

"What's "critical"?" Sae raised a brow.

"Hm...Like where the enemy would panic and fall apart." Rin hummed.

"You rely on your instincts too much." Sae commented.

"But it all works out because you pass to me either way. Anyone else feels kinda lacking to me." Rin shrugged.

Y/n wore a slightly offended expression, which Rin saw and gave a look that said "I don't mean you".

"What do you plan to do if I'm not there then?" Sae asked.

"Dunno. Look for someone else to replace you, I guess. Maybe N/n. Next year I'll go to his school and we can be on the same team." Rin said.

"Nobody could replace me, much less Y/n. Who the hell do you think I am, huh?" Sae scoffed, adjusting his leg to kick Rin's side.

"Ow!" Rin yelped. "Yeah, yeah. You're "Itoshi-sama, the best in the world".

"You guys scared the cat." Y/n blinked, looking back at the feline that ran off.

"Rin...I'm going to Spain tomorrow. I'm gonna play football in the youth team of Real Madrid, the best football club in the world." Sae spoke.

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