🇩🇪Chapter 38🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

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'Of course, Kaiser saw the whole process, Yocchan too, probably.' Y/n thought, glancing at the two.

'I expected it, but Kaiser came in a bit faster than expected, so I had to quickly change position. Originally, I was going to catch the ball that Yocchan shot and Kaiser had stepped in front of, causing it to fly in the air. Kaiser was faster and got there before Yocchan took the shot. I guessed that Yocchan would try going for the shot anyways, so I had to get closer to the net so I could score instead. It worked out.'

Y/n sighed and he started returning to his side of the field when a conversation suddenly made him pause.

"Hey, Reo. I want to beat Y/n and Isagi." Nagi spoke, rubbing his nape as he approached the boy. 

"Huh?" Reo uttered.

'Huh?' Y/n sweat dropped.

"What should I do? Y/n and Isagi are getting further and further away. Right now, I don't have a chance in beating them. I'm doing all the things Chris and Agi told me to do, but I have no idea what it means to be creative. Plus, it's not even going well...Right now, football isn't fun." Nagi continued.

"Huh? Like I care." Reo scoffed. "This is the path you chose to beat Isagi. This has nothing to do with me."

"Yeah, I know." Nagi nodded.

"Don't come crying to me just because things haven't gone your way." Reo continued.

"Yeah, but...When I was playing with you, football was fun." Nagi said, causing Reo's eyes to widen.

Reo grit his teeth and turned, ready to end the conversation.

"...I told you. I have nothing to do with this!" He said.

"Please, Reo. Lend me your strength. To beat Isagi, and Y/n, I need your help." Nagi said.

'Wow. And just when Reo was improving for himself. Well, I guess it makes sense why Nagi would say that. He hasn't scored this game and although Yocchan hasn't either, Yocchan improved so quickly.' Y/n thought as he walked away.

Though, he did take one more look back and watched as Reo threw his arm around Nagi's shoulders, both of them walking to their spots.

"Hm? Something on your mind, Y/n?" Ness asked, noticing the boy's lack of focus.

"Ah. No, just lost focus." Y/n said, tearing his eyes away from the scene.

"The score is now 3-1!
Will Bastard Munchen continue their
streak to end this match?! Or will
Manshine C catch up?!
Game restart!"

The players advanced, Manshine starting with the ball. Agi ran down the files and just as he spoke, Kunigami closed in on him.

"Not bad, Mr.Muscle Freak." Agi commented.

Y/n, along with Chigiri, Reo, Kaiser, and Isagi surrounded the pair, carefully watching their exchange.

'Wait...' Y/n thought, standing in a ready position.

Then, Chigiri ran in, calling for Agi to pass for a one-two.

'I'm sure Kaiser and Yocchan can tell that Agi's gonna get through. They'll collide and...'

Just as he predicted, Agi slipped past Kunigami and both Kaiser and Isagi appeared, attempting to take the ball.

Agi groaned as he face-planted to the ground and the ball flew in the air.

"Tsk! So we thought the same, Yoichi." Kaiser clicked his tongue.

"Then you should've let me have it, Naked Emperor." Isagi scowled.

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