Headcanons #1

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What's it like to date the
oh-so-amazing Sano Y/n?

- He can be very clingy, often demanding the presence of his s/o.

- BUT! If they're in public or somewhere where he holds some kind of authority, he will dial down the clinginess and at most will hold hands with his s/o.

- S/o must have some strength on them because he will request piggy-back rides. (Never will offer them though unless s/o is hurt and can't properly walk)

- Don't expect this guy to know much about housework because as far as he's lived, he hasn't been in a position to clean after others, even himself.

- Will request that s/o styles his hair for him and actually gets a bit happy when it's a new style (can't be too crazy though because he's very active and hairstyle may fall apart)

- He enjoys taking night rides with s/o, speeding down the night streets on Babu. (Chances of s/o driving are practically zero though)

- Is the type to get jealous if someone interferes in his time with s/o. Will outright say "You're not the first to find (name)! It was me!"

- If s/o is the one (unknowingly) acting in a way to make him jealous, he'll ignore them and get all pouty. But, if he knows they're doing it on purpose, he'll act unbothered and internally grins at s/o's bothered reaction.

- Arguments are rare but still aren't nice.

- If he knows he's in the wrong, he will apologize after he's cooled down. If s/o is wrong, he's not apologizing until they do (can last for days)

- If s/o tries demanding that he sleep on the couch so they can have space from each other (still fueled by anger of argument) it will end up with s/o sleeping on the couch. (Y/n refuses to sleep on the couch by someone's orders and somehow forces s/o to sleep on it instead)

- Y/n enjoys dates where food is included, but isn't a fan of fancy restaurants. He's a simple guy. (Expect him to fall asleep though)

- Draken and Takemichi are his go-to's when he needs an idea of gifts he can get his s/o (They're actually hopeless too and Emma always ends up helping)

- Y/n won't tolerate any (serious) disrespectful remarks from s/o if it's about his friends and family. Will give the cold-shoulder and will be tempted to end the relationship at that moment.

- Expects s/o to wear his jersey at his games (he claims that it makes sense to support the best guy on the field)

- Will teach s/o fighting techniques to defend themself if he's not there. If s/o attempts to use technique against him, it'll result in him laughing at them after tripping them (on mats, of course, not concrete)

- If Y/n was dating s/o before Toman was disbanded, he might break up with them out of the blue.

- Having witnesses his loved ones get hurt made him paranoid and he doesn't want something bad to happen to his s/o, so he'll purposefully act in a manner that makes s/o stay far from him.

- Is very avoidant on the topic of his feelings and it will take s/o a lot of bothering to get him to talk even a little about it.

- A sick Y/n is an unhappy Y/n. He hates feeling weak and will refuse to admit he's sick and it gets to the point where s/o only finds out about it when he's collapsing on the ground or even fainting.

- If s/o is sick, Y/n will try to help them, but after almost burning the house down while making soup, he calls Emma and Draken for help.

- S/o often lays in bed by themself for hours because Y/n is busy playing video games (often with Nagi) It takes a lot to coax him away from the screen.

- He will be glad though if s/o enjoys playing games too. He will laugh though if they suck at it and will brag about how skilled he is.

- If Y/n happens to make s/o jealous, s/o will need to bring it up because this guy's honestly oblivious about it 99% of the time and thinks he's just being nice.

- If someone directly flirts with him though, in front of his s/o, he'll just turn the other way and leave. Unhappy s/o makes an unhappy life.

Overall, a relationship with Y/n is a pretty standard relationship, just a bit more work and care (actually a lot) needed to offer to Y/n.

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