🇯🇵Chapter 32🇯🇵

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"And the Blue Lock Eleven saves that corner kick! We're in the last two minutes...! This'll be the last counterattack!" Tereasa shouted, leaning forward in his seat.


While everyone kept their eyes on the ball, which was currently with Hiori, Y/n kept his eyes on a single player, watching as they advanced with such speed as a dark aura surrounded them.

"This is what Sae meant, huh." Y/n muttered.

"Huh...Rin-kun?!" Hiori gasped as the mentioned boy stole the ball.

Rin said nothing and continued his way towards the goal, ignoring the perplexed looks sent towards him.

"Oh, he's fast!" Nagi commented.

"Rin-chan...?" Bachira raised a brow.

Rin let out heavy breaths as he ran, memory of Sae's words resurfacing his mind and becoming more clear.


"He's sticking his tongue out...? And now he's drooling, okay..." Y/n sweat dropped.

Isagi soon approached Rin, hoping to take advantage of Rin's sudden change.

"Let's go, Rin! If we play together-"

Isagi paused upon realizing that Rin didn't even bat an eye towards him.

"Hey, Rin!" Isagi called once more.

Again, Rin ignored him.

"Came to pay a visit? It's bad manners to have your tongue out like that." Neru said as he stood just a few feet ahead of Rin.

"Rin's not slowing down, but he's clearly observing Neru. I'm sure that by now, he's noticed that his skill is acceleration." Y/n muttered.

"Judging by his footwork...He'll definitely switch the side he's running in at the last moment."

As Y/n guessed, Rin moved from Neru's right to his left and was able to get by, much to the latter's surprise.

'His play style before was much more efficient, but now it's become the opposite. He's playing... greedily. Rather than teaming up with Yocchan and getting up much quicker and easier, he's advancing on his own.' Y/n thought.

"What's with you? Coming for me now?" Darai questioned, facing Rin.

Before Rin moved forward, he kicked the ball over to the slightly surprised Isagi before slipping past Darai. Isagi proceeded to return the ball, and as Darai attempted to turn, Rin pressed his palm on his back, keeping him away as he recovered the ball.

'Correction, Rin will only use someone else for a quick moment before destroying his opponent all by himself.' Y/n exhaled.

"Just try me, you shit!" Niou shouted as he advanced towards Rin.

"Get him, Niou!" Darai said.

"You'll find out I love finishing fights that others start!" Niou continued his shouting.

'When it comes to physique, I'd say Niou beats Rin at the moment, but...' Y/n narrowed his eyes, watching Rin kick the ball towards Niou.

'By luring Niou in, who will surely advance at full power, Rin can...'

'Doberman charge!' Niou thought, charging at Rin.

In the last second, Rin took back the ball before turning, allowing Niou to collide with his back and completely lose balance.


"He's through! He's through! That was almost a foul...!" Tereasa gaped.

"He's getting past that iron defense all by himself!"

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