02| Never Ending Pain

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Stepping out of her car, Mercedes shut her door and headed up the steps to her parents house

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Stepping out of her car, Mercedes shut her door and headed up the steps to her parents house. After unlocking the door, she pushed it open and stepped in before slipping her shoes off. As she walked deeper into the house, she could hear the soft hums of her mothers voice. "Well why don't you just go ahead and sing for me then." She spoke up making her mother jump and turn around quickly.

"Princess! I didn't hear you come in." Tracy squealed before sitting down the spoon in her hand and walking over to Mercedes. "I thought you weren't coming over today. You said you had a dinner to go to."

Mercedes engulfed her mother into a hug and relaxed in her embrace. "I do but it's not until 8. I wanted to stop by and check on you and dad. I know I haven't been responding to you guys the past couple of days. I'm sorry."

Tracy pulled away from the hug and waved her off. "Don't apologize Princess. Me and your father know that you were grieving and allowing yourself time to get it all together. You know we respect you too much to feel any type of way when their day rolls around. Never apologize for taking time."

Mercedes smiled a little. At the age of 3, Mercedes family was brutally murdered and ripped away from her. Her mom was sexually assaulted and beaten in front of her and her 3 siblings before being shot in the head and her father was beaten to death with a metal bat. Mercedes couldn't remember much about that night but she remembered that after her parents were killed, her oldest sibling Jayda was snatched away by a big man and flung into their glass table which knocked her unconscious. The man then shot her repeatedly. Her other two siblings, Sa'lai and Kaleb were snatched away from her while they screamed for her. Sa'lai was 8 at the time and it was Kaleb's 12th birthday. Mercedes didn't know what had happened to them and sometimes she wondered if they were still alive.

After that night, Mercedes was kidnapped and held by James for years. After being adopted by Tracy and Daron at the age of 10, Mercedes felt like she could finally breath again after everything she endured. Daron and Tracy welcomed her in with open arms and ever since that day they'd been loving on her as if she'd been conceived from them. Mercedes was forever grateful for them but a small part of her always wondered what life would he like if her family was still together.

"Have you thought about if you want to read James letter or not?" Tracy spoke up causing Mercedes to snap out of her trance.

Sighing to herself, she ran her hands over the jumpsuit she wore. "I haven't." She stated. "It's all a lot for me still even though it's been years."

Tracy nodded. "That's completely understandable Princess. Just know I back you fully with whatever you decide my love."

James wrote her every month since he'd found out where her business was located and every month Mercedes found herself throwing them into the basket she kept hidden in her office at work. The letters had started to pile up but Mercedes still refused to read them despite a small part of her wanting to know what he was saying. Mercedes had never thought a man that was so close to her father and mother could become a snake and the man that caused her a lifetime of trauma.

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