34| A wild night

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Walking out of the bathroom with a big box in hand, Mercedes walked over to Hendrix who had his eyes closed waiting for his surprise

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Walking out of the bathroom with a big box in hand, Mercedes walked over to Hendrix who had his eyes closed waiting for his surprise. It was 11:37 and 20 minutes before their ride was arriving to take them all to the club. Mercedes wanted him to find out she was pregnant before they left so Hendrix wouldn't ask questions when she turned down sipping a drink.

She sat the box on his lap and stood back with a smile on her face. "Okay babe. Open your eyes." She nervously rubbed her hands together.

Hendrix popped his eyes open and looked down at the box with a smile. He pulled the bow off and looked up at Mercedes. "You got a nigga nervous. I'm all sweating and shit." He shifted some. When he pulled the top off the box, his eyes landed on the letter that sat on top before he could proceed. The letter ready to Daddy. His eyes looked up at Mercedes with uncertainty before he opened it.

Hey my love.

This past year we've been dealing with each other has been the best time of my life. With how you love me, how you care me, how you look at me, everything about you makes me love you deeper each and every day.

I know we hit a rough patch a few months ago but now looking back, it was worth it because now our love is SO much stronger than before.

Losing your baby is something that I'll forever regret but we both know that God always gives us an even bigger blessing than what we lost. That's why right now, in this letter, I am happy to tell you that I am pregnant. 8 weeks to be exact.

I hope you be just as excited as I am about this news. I've been taking care of my body and just to know this little human is healthy and growing wonderfully makes my heart swell with joy. I know you'll be the best daddy in the world.

This is our rainbow baby. Our baby boy or girl. I love you so much.

By the time he'd finished reading the letter, Hendrix had tears rolling down his cheeks. He sat the letter down on the couch next to him and removed the tissue paper from the box. When he seen the little pair of brown booties and the ultrasound image sitting in the box, he moved the box to the side and started to cry in his hands.

Mercedes just wiped at the tears that had managed to escape from her eyes and bent down to him. She hugged his head and cried along with him. When Hendrix had got himself together, he leaned up and grabbed her face into his hands and stared into her hers. "My baby having my baby." He sniffed. "My baby really having my fucking baby!"

Mercedes nodded and smiled before pecking his lips. "I am."

Hendrix helped her up so that she was standing in front of him. He pulled the shirt up she was wearing and smiled at the sight of her small pudge. "Hey daddy's baby." He smiled before kissing her belly. "Daddy can't wait to meet you peanut. Lord knows daddy so fucking excited. I already know you about to be a little girl. My little angel baby fasure."

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