06| Greif is a process

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Being a busy man had its pros and cons

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Being a busy man had its pros and cons. Hendrix enjoyed it for the most part but sometimes he wished he had a day where he could fly off to a private island for a couple days and relax. His whole team depended on him for answers and any questions they had which was why his business phone rung all day, everyday.

As he sat back in his office, he stared at the computer screen at the works of his next collection. His next launched would be happening on March 5th. His sons birthday. The collection consisted of pink, green, yellow, white, and orange sweatsuits to get ready for Spring. He even had threw in custom made bomber jackets in the colors white, pink, nude, and orange. Something everyone had been begging for since last spring.

With this collection he also included a line of red and black sweatsuits in honor of his son. Namar favorite color was red and he loved Spider-Man which was why he added black ones so he could add the character on the back of them. He just wished Namar would be here to be dripped out in it.

Hearing a knock on his office door, Hendrix yelled out come in before closing his laptop. In came Naya with a look of worry flashed across her face. She was one of his best workers here in his ATL store. She was only 18 but she had good customer service skills and everyone that worked with her loved her. "What's up Naya. What's wrong?" Hendrix questioned as he sat up in his chair.

Naya plopped down on the chair in front of his desk. "I-I um forgot to ring a customer up for a hoodie but I put in her bag and she already left the store. By the time I noticed the mistake I made, she was already gone." She frowned. "I'm so sorry Hendrix. It was honestly a mistake. You can take the money out of next check or whatever. I never make a mistake like that. I'm just off my game today and really tired. The baby kept me up all night crying." She rambled as she wiped at the tears that had started to fall out of her eyes.

Naya was a young girl who lived on her own. Her parents had disowned her when they found out she was pregnant and had put her out on the streets. A year ago she'd came in desperately looking for a job. Luckily for her, that day Hendrix was working and he noticed how stressed out she looked. At the time Naya was only 17 and her daughter was a few months old. Hendrix had hired on the spot and ever since then he'd been looking out for her. When he found out about her situation, he spoke to his mother about it and Janice had taken her and the baby in with no problem. Now that Naya was 18 and had saved up enough money to be well off on her own, her and her daughter now lived in a 2 bedroom apartment that Hendrix paid for faithfully for them.

"Naya baby, relax. It's okay." He assured her seeing her start to sob into her hands. He stood up and rounded his desk. "Come here."

Naya stood up and walked into Hendrix open arms. When he hugged her, she started to break down even more making him clench his jaw a little. Naya was like a little sister to him so to see that something was bothering her hurt him just like it would have if it was Harmony. "Stop crying. I ain't worried about a little mistake. It's all good. You know I wouldn't fault you for no shit like that." He spoke. "Now do you want to tell me the real reason you crying like this?"

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