04| Pop ups

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Mercedes always loved opportunities where she could get to see others work while also getting the chance to show others her creation

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Mercedes always loved opportunities where she could get to see others work while also getting the chance to show others her creation. Today she was at the pop-up shop at Clark Atlanta and so far she'd really been enjoying herself. Her workers were doing their thing with promoting her products while she walked around and took in all the beautiful creations of everyone else. It was such a beautiful sight to see all the black excellence at every table she went to. From clothes, to hair products, to body jewelry. Everyone had something different and unique.

After looking around for a few minutes, Mercedes headed inside to grab herself a quick snack considering she hadn't ate all day. Today was one of them days where food seemed to be the last thing on her mind. Last night another bad dream had flooded her mind and this morning she'd woke up drenched in sweat with tears streaming down her cheeks.

As she walked towards the table, her eyes widened seeing him. The man she'd given a good show to the other night. So good that he'd left her a generous tip of $1,000 dollars after they practically fucked each other on the floor with their eyes. The eye contact and tension between them two had Mercedes thinking about it repeatedly. It was as If they'd blocked out everyone around them and it had only been them two in the club.

Taking a deep breath, she prepared to turn around but unfortunately she heard her name being called which halted her in her steps. When she looked up at who was calling her, she noticed it was Harmony. Her newest brand ambassador.

"Hey pretty girl." Mercedes spoke as she forced herself to walk over to where she stood. Hendrix stood right next to her staring a hole into Mercedes face.

"Hi!" Harmony squealed. "I figured that was you. I was about to come look for you so I could introduce you to my brother. He uses your products sometimes so I just wanted to show him the beautiful woman that creates this bomb ass product for us." She explained.

"Your brother?" Mercedes asked.

"Yeah, her brother. It's nice to meet you mama." Hendrix spoke up as he held his hand to Mercedes. "I love your products. You really did your thing. You the reason why my face so clear."

Mercedes nervously chuckled and shook his hand. "It's nice to meet you too. I'm happy that you love my work. It means a lot."

Harmony watched the two with a small smirk on her face. "My brother has his own clothing line. I tried to get him to set up a table today but he refused to. It's called Hendo Armandi." She spoke. "He did bring a few hoodies with him though so I'm going to go grab you one. I think you'll like it. I be right back."

Before she could respond, Harmony went walking off leaving Mercedes and Hendrix standing there. "I hope you don't think I'm some kind of hoe or something due to how I was all up on you the other night. Me stripping is something I just do on the side. I never expected to run into you again which was why I gave you the dance. I feel so embarrassed right now." She blurted out.

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