07| One step at a time

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With her back against the wall and her knees pulled up to her chest, Mercedes body trembled from how cold she was

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With her back against the wall and her knees pulled up to her chest, Mercedes body trembled from how cold she was. Last night James made her sleep down here without the heater and had even decided against feeding her after she started to fight against him last night when he tried to rape her. James had grew frustrated and beat her until she'd shut up. Mercedes had no idea how many years she'd been down here but she knew at this time she was tired and all she wanted to do was die.

As she sat there shaking, she heard the latches on the door unlocking causing her to try to pull her knees closer to her chest. The only thing she sat there in was a dirty, old, and ripped white T-shirt. She had no underwear on, her hair was all over the place, and she hadn't had a shower in what felt like months.

When the door finally opened, her red eyes looked up to see Kevin standing there. When his eyes settled on her, he frowned deeply. "H-hi." He stuttered. When Mercedes didn't say anything, he took that as a sign to continue. "M-my um. My dad stepped out for a few hours. I-I know this probably isn't much but I bought you some McDonald's and I grabbed you some clean clothes with the little money I had. I don't know exactly what time he's planning to return so if you want to shower, change, and eat, you should come with me. I promise I'm not going to hurt you. I know I probably get in trouble for helping you but that's okay." Kevin expressed.

"You're lying." Mercedes choked out. Her voice was dry and low.

Kevin shook his head and started to walk closer to her but quickly jumped back when he see her start to scoot over. "I-I'm sorry. I'm really sorry for what my father does to you. I want to help you. I really do. I-I'm trying to think of a way to get you out of here . I just need a little time to think of a plan. I promise you that I will set your free but until then I will try to help you as much as I can when he's not here. Just please."

Mercedes looked up at Kevin and noticed the tears pooling in his eyelids. "I-I want a bath first." She mumbled. "Just please let me get a bath."

Kevin nodded. "Of course. Just come on." He told her.

After a few moments, Mercedes stood to her feet and allowed Kevin to pick her up to carry her upstairs. When he did, he'd taken her to his bathroom in his room and allowed her to take a bath while he sat outside of the door with his head in his hands. Everything he said about wanting to help her was true. At 15 his father was forcing him to watch the things he did to Mercedes and had even told him that if he ever tried to help her in any way, he'd kill him. Kevin had never tried to set Mercedes free considered everything was bored up in the home. Every time Kevin returned from anywhere, he had to have his father let him in because the doors were secure.

Kevin hated his father and the man he was but James was all he had. His mother was a drug addict who overdosed when he was 4 so James was the only parent who could take care of him. Kevin had no friends and was considered a loner. His father didn't allow him to hang out and he always had a certain time he needed to be home. It was as if he was a prisoner just like Mercedes except he'd only get beaten if he disobeyed the rules.

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