05| The First Date

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With her phone propped up on the shelf in her closet, Mercedes frantically rushed around pulling out clothes while Georgia sat on the phone dying of laughter

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With her phone propped up on the shelf in her closet, Mercedes frantically rushed around pulling out clothes while Georgia sat on the phone dying of laughter. Tonight was the night of her date with Hendrix and Mercedes was struggling badly to find an outfit. He hadn't told her where they were going so she had no idea what she should wear. The only details he gave was that he'd be picking her up at 7.

"I love how you think this shit is funny. I really don't know what to wear." Mercedes whined. "I'm about to tell him I got cramps or something."

Georgia instantly stopped laughing. "Bitch don't play. This the first time in years that your ass is going on a date. I will not let you back out. No ma'm!"

"So then stop laughing and tell me what the hell to put on. It's already 6:34 and he be here at 7. I don't want him to have to wait on me." Mercedes huffed.

"I already told you that the black bodysuit and them pants you had was cute. You're the one that thinks it's too much. Stop being difficult and throw that shit on." Georgia told her.

Mercedes rolled her eyes and went back to the outfit Georgia had green lighted. It was a black body suit paired with tan and black plants. Mercedes thought it was giving grandma but Georgia insisted her that it was giving grown and sexy. Mercedes had gotten herself a fresh wig installed this morning and had lightly beat her face. With this being her first date in awhile. Mercedes wanted to look good.

After slipping the outfit on, Mercedes went out onto the balcony and stood back and allowed Georgia to see the whole fit. Instantly Georgia started clapping excitedly. "Bitch you look so damn good!"

 "Bitch you look so damn good!"

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Mercedes laughed. "Thank you baby. I hope he thinks I look pretty." She frowned. "Reese always used to tell me how stupid I looked when I tried to dress sexy."

Georgia frowned. "Mercedes don't start that. You're beautiful and I tell you that all the time my love. Reese is a piece of shit. Always have been and always will be. He didn't deserve you or the love you gave him. Best believe if this man Hendi or Hendrix, whatever the hell his name is hurts your feelings, I will be on the first flight to Atlanta to empty the clip." She stated.

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