33| Day 1 in Bali

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Vacation was always a blast when it involved drinks, food, a all inclusive resort, and couples that couldn't keep their hands off one another

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Vacation was always a blast when it involved drinks, food, a all inclusive resort, and couples that couldn't keep their hands off one another. It was 11:07am in Bali and every couple found themselves rushing to their room to get changed for the day. Mercedes stood in the mirror looking at her small pudge with a smile on her face but when she heard the door opening, she quickly turned to the mirror to pretend she was finishing up on styling her hair.

"Babe just wait until see you what the fuck Harmony got on. I'm fucking her up." Hendrix walked into the bathroom with a mug on his face.

Mercedes just started busting out laughing. "Babe she's grown and we're on vacation. Leave her alone and stop being so overprotective." She chuckled.

Hendrix mugged her. "No fuck that. Just wait to Kato see her ass too. He going to be ready to punch her chest in just like me."

He's going to be ready to bend her ass over the balcony.

She thought to herself but quickly laughed at herself. "Y'all both are going to leave her alone and let her enjoy this trip. What you would've did if her man would've came? I know you know they be fucking already." She smirked. "He be tearing that little ass up."

Hendrix mugged her again and frowned. "Make me fuck you up Mercedes." He gritted. "I would've made that nigga get his own room. Stop playing with me."

Mercedes just laughed and walked over to him to wrap her arms around his neck. "I got a surprise for you tonight. Can you focus your mind on that instead of trying to be somebody daddy?" She stared into his eyes. "I want your mind to be on my surprise and what I'm doing to you tonight when we get in from hanging with everyone else today."

Hendrix reached down and gripped her ass hard making her moan. "Fuck tonight, let me bend you over right now." He leaned in and kissed her lips. "I can't wait to see what my surprise is too though."

Mercedes chuckled and pecked his lips. "Bend me over then baby."

Hendrix wasted no time leading them over to the sink. He moved her things over and turned her around roughly and bent her over. Mercedes bit down on her lip feeling him slip her dress up over her ass. "Fuck baby. You ain't wearing no underwear either?" Hendrix licked over this lips at the sight of her glistening pussy. "I'm slipping my fingers in this pussy all day."

"You can do whatever you want baby." Mercedes looked back at him. "This pussy yours."

Hendrix smirked and pulled his pants down to let his dick sprang free. "Yes it is." He smacked her ass again before positioning himself at her entrance and sliding his whole length into her. Them both screaming fuck at the same time.

Meanwhile, Harmony stood in the mirror on FaceTime with Jace showing off her outfit of the day to him. "You look so beautiful baby girl. I wish I could be there with you mamas." Jace spoke through the phone. "I would rip that shit right off you and fuck you real good. Damn look at them titties sitting."

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