12| Day 1 in Miami

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Pushing the door open to the black Escalade she was in, Mercedes already had a big goofy smile on her face seeing Hendrix standing by the steps of his jet waiting for her

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Pushing the door open to the black Escalade she was in, Mercedes already had a big goofy smile on her face seeing Hendrix standing by the steps of his jet waiting for her. This morning at 8am, Hendrix had a car waiting to bring her to airport and also had a bouquet of roses and Starbucks waiting in the backseat. Immediately Mercedes had teared up. This man was being too good to her.

Running up to Hendrix, he caught her in his arms and immediately her arms went around his neck and she hugged him tightly. "What's up mama. I missed your beautiful ass." He whispered in her ear.

Mercedes pulled back and stared into his eyes while he still held her in his arms. "I missed you more stinka." She smiled widely before placing a kiss to his lips. "You smell good."

Hendrix chuckled. "Thank you mama. You smell good and look good." He bit down on his lip. "Real fucking good."

Mercedes laughed. "Put me down before we both get too carried away because with the way you looking at me right now, I'm about to tell you to drop them drawls."

Hendrix laughed and put her back on her feet. "Shit, all you gotta' do is say the word mama. This dick yours anyways. You looking too good for real. Got a nigga ready to risk it all."

"Maybe before this trip is over you can do just that. Depends on how you act." She smirked before starting to head up the steps.

Mercedes did in fact look beautiful. She had a freshly installed blonde wig and her face was glowing in the sunlight. This morning she had did her full skincare routine and had even did her own lashes. She wanted to look good for this trip and her man.

Once the jet had taken all, Mercedes found herself relaxing and staring across at Hendrix who typed away on his phone. She couldn't help to admire how fine he was. His hair was freshly cut, his chains were dangling around his neck, and he has his grills in. That was everything Mercedes loved. In her mind she was hoping that this Miami trip went well. Although she was here just to look at a new potential store, Mercedes was excited to attend his show and spend time with him. It was scary how quickly she was starting to fall for him but she knew God made everything happen for a reason so she was resisting the urge to fall back because she knew if she fell back too much, she would eventually leave him alone all together. That's just who she was when she felt she was falling too quickly.

"You over there admiring me mama?" Hendrix looked up from his phone with a smile on his face.

Mercedes smiled. "I sure am. You got a problem with that?"

"Naw. I be admiring you too. Matter fact, I got hella screen shots in my phone that I be taking when you not looking. Admiring you is my favorite thing to do. You just too beautiful not to stare." He told her.

"I'm about to start turning my camera off now. I be looking a mess sometimes." She frowned.

Hendrix laughed at the expression on her face. "You always look beautiful to me. Ain't shit about you a mess."

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