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Laying in the hospital bed, Kaleb looked down at a sleeping Georgia laying cuddled up against him and he smiled to himself

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Laying in the hospital bed, Kaleb looked down at a sleeping Georgia laying cuddled up against him and he smiled to himself. For the past week since he'd woken up, everyone had been coming to check on him. Especially Mercedes and Sa'lai so Kaleb had barely had time to spend moments with Georgia. She'd left every time someone was up here to allow them their alone time with them. Kaleb had also picked up on Mercedes not speaking to Georgia or Sa'lai when they were all here together but he chose to keep quiet for now.

The doctors had explained to him how long he'd been out and how severe everything was for him. Luckily the bullets didn't hit his spine so Kaleb was still able to walk and move his legs. The doctors were still holding him to make sure everything was okay with him and that no major damage was done. Kaleb was honestly just grateful to be alive. The night he got shot he thought he was about to see his parents again and he was honestly okay with that. With the life he lived, he knew death was something he couldn't be afraid of.

Now that he was awake, Kaleb had been communicating with his guys about falling back for now. Kaleb knew good and well who shot him but he wanted to do things himself which was why he was giving himself time to heal properly before he executed a plan. All he knew was that Keon's life was coming to an end soon so he hoped and prayed that everyone around him were enjoying their last moments with him.

Feeling Georgia start to stir awake, he looked down and when their eyes connected, they both broke into a smile. "Hey Babygirl." He said before leaning down and pecking her lips. "You had a good nap?"

Georgia nodded. "I did." She smiled. "Do you need anything? I can go get you some food or something if you want it."

"No princess. All I need is you right here with me." He told her. Ever since he'd woke up, he learned that Georgia never left his side and even now that he was awake, she never stopped asking him was he okay or did he need anything. Georgia really liked Kaleb and it showed.

"I have to fly out of town next week for some business with my brand but I cancel if you need to." Georgia explained. "I just want to make sure everything is okay and you have the help you need."

Kaleb shook his head. "You will not be canceling. Your business is important and I don't want to get in the way of that. I'm fine and if I do need any help, I got Sa'lai and Mercedes." He stared at her. "Speaking of Mercedes, what's going on with y'all two? The fuck y'all had a fight or something."

Georgia sighed and lifted up off of him. "That's something Mercedes have to talk to you about. She's been having a lot going on. We just hit a snag in our friendship but we'll get right soon."

"Y'all better because I'll get on y'all ass just how I'm getting on her and Sa'lai when I get up out of this bed." He frowned. "They got me all fucked up. I'm back in business. They better get they shit together quick."

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