36|Epilouge: Until the end of time

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Walking along the beach, Mercedes held onto Hendrix hand as they looked down at their feet getting wet in the water

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Walking along the beach, Mercedes held onto Hendrix hand as they looked down at their feet getting wet in the water. All last night was spent with them making love to one another and cherishing the moment. This morning Mercedes had woke up with Hendrix rubbing her belly down in shea butter and talking to their child. She was so grateful that she was going on this journey with him and having him by her side to support her.

"Babe I love you so much." She spoke while squeezing his hand. "Thank you for saving me, coming along and loving me, protecting me, and just being you. You make my world better."

Hendrix stopped them from walking and turned to her. He let their hands go and grabbed her face before planting a lingering kiss to her lips. "I love you so much more mama. Life with you is the best thing I could've asked for." He stared into her eyes. "We locked in for life."

Mercedes smiled before standing on her tippy toes. "For life and even after that." She kissed his lips.

Meanwhile back in Harmony's room, she was laid up with Jace as he massaged her aching back. When she had opened the door for him, she had immediately jumped on him in excitement but had forgot how much pain her body was in from hours ago. Seeing Jace's face made a wave of guilt wash over her because she couldn't believe she had cheated on him.

As he massaged her back and she stared at the tv, she debated in her mind to tell him that she'd cheated on him last night.

Lying was something she didn't like and tried to not do but in this situation she didn't want to see the hurt on Jade's face or for him to leave her. She really did love him but she just couldn't resist Kato.

"Mamas did you hear me?" She heard making her snap out of her thoughts. She sat up and turned around to him.

"I didn't hear you stinka. What you say?" She laid her head on his chest and looked into his eyes.

Jace chuckled and rested his hand on her ass. "I said how was your night?" He repeated. "You were supposed to call me when you got in last night and didn't and then when I called you, the phone kept going straight to voicemail. I was worried."

"U-um." Harmony continued to stare at him feeling the tears feel up in her eyes. "I-I have something I need to you." She mumbled as a tear fell out of her eye.

Jace frowned his face up at the sight of tears falling out of her eyes and his heart pounded in his chest. "What happened Babygirl?" He wiped at her tears. "Talk to me mamas."

Harmony leaned up off him and wiped at her eyes. "I-I cheated last night." She blurted out before breaking down into a sob.

At the sound of that, Jace felt his heart drop and his face formed into a even deeper frown then before. "Y-you what?" He sat up. "Repeat that for me and look at me when you say it "

Harmony continued to cry into her hands. "I'm so sorry Jace." She cried. "I-I didn't mean to. I promise I didn't. I love you so much."

Jace started to bitterly chuckle and stood up off the bed. His hand ran down his face and before Harmony knew it, he had punched a hole into the wall making her jump. "I said look at me and fucking say it."

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