23. I'm Tired

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Walking into his hotel room, Kevin closed the raggedy door and made sure the latch was locked before kicking off his shoes and dropping the key into the dresser that sat by the door

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Walking into his hotel room, Kevin closed the raggedy door and made sure the latch was locked before kicking off his shoes and dropping the key into the dresser that sat by the door. Frowning his face, he went and sat down on the raggedy bed and put his head into his hands. It was another day of wishing he was still locked up considering how things had been on the outside. He couldn't find a job due to his record, the money Hendrix had gave him was running out quick, he was living in a run down hotel that charged him $60 a night. The hotel was eating up all his money and he knew that soon he wouldn't even be able to afford staying here and he'd be on the streets.

The last 6 months for him had been hell. After getting beat down by Hendrix in the restaurant that day, Kevin had been thrown out of Hendrix house and cut off after explaining everything to Hendrix. The only thing that Hendrix seemed to still do for him was pay his phone bill and Kevin was surprised. He couldn't lie and say that Hendrix didn't have a reason to be upset with him considering he lied about his charges but he still wondered how he was being blamed for something he was forced to do. It was as if everyone saw the bad in him being an accessory but nobody ever listened or cared enough to point out the good he did or the abuse he suffered. He had set her free and he was still be painted as the bad guy despite him being a victim of his fathers issues.

Wiping at his tears, he shook it off and stood up to head in the bathroom to take himself a shower. After he was done, he slipped on a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie being sitting down on the bed and staring at the wall. This was all he did every night. He didn't have anyone and his mind wondered with ways he could kill himself. Should he jump in front of a moving car? Should he drown himself in a river? Should he hang himself? Kevin was tired of living this way and he didn't know how much more he could take.

Hearing a knock at the door, he frowned his face up and went to look through the peep hole. When he seen Harmony standing there, he quickly opened the door. "How the fuck you find me?" He raised an eyebrow. After Harmony learned about who Kevin was and that he was her brother also, she wanted to get to know him despite anything. She had reached out to him one day after stealing his number from Hendrix phone and the two had started to grow close.

"Big brother you do know the phones we use in this generation have trackers right?" She chuckled before walking in past him. "It's nothing to find your location."

Kevin shook his head with a chuckle and shut the door behind him. "Your brother would hurt your little ass if he knew you were here." He frowned. "Didn't he tell you he didn't want you talking to me anymore."

Harmony shrugged. "I do not give a fuck about what Hendrix disrespectful ass have to say. He's been being weird with me also so until he gets over his little funky ass attitude fuck him." She expressed. "Now I'm taking you to my mothers for dinner and I'm not taking no for an answer. Hendrix won't be there so don't worry. I just want you to enjoy a nice meal and to get out of this beat up ass hotel room."

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