17| Explanations

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Feeling her body being shook gently, Mercedes slowly opened her puffy eyes

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Feeling her body being shook gently, Mercedes slowly opened her puffy eyes. As she blinked a couple times, she felt her nerves start to rise seeing Hendrix standing in front of her with a mug on his face. "Time to talk. get ya ass up." He told her.

Mercedes frowned her face up and sat up. "Don't come in here on your shit Hendrix. I've been crying all day and I really don't need you being mean to me right now."

"Ain't nobody being mean. I'm going to hug you and kiss on you because I wasn't fucking with you crying but then we going to sit down and talk about why the fuck you lied to me." He expressed. "Now get up and come here."

Mercedes didn't say anything else but instead stood up and walked into his arms. When he wrapped his arms around her and planted a kiss to her forehead, she felt herself start to cry again and he let her. They stood there for a few minutes while he held her tight. His jaw was clenched tightly hearing how her soft cries sounded throughout the hotel room.

"I got you mama. Let it out." He encouraged her. "I'm fucking this nigga up. I swear."

Once they pulled away from each other, he planted soft kisses to her lips. "Come on and let's talk mama and don't feel like you have to rush through the conversation. I just want to understand what's going on here baby girl."

Mercedes nodded and the two walked over to the couch. Hendrix sat down first and then allowed Mercedes to lay up under him while he wrapped his arms around her in a comforting embrace.

"B-before my parents got killed during the home invasion, my family was perfect." She started. "My mom and dad were extremely loving, I had a older sister named Jayda who was 16 at the time of her death then there was Kaleb who was 12, Sa'lai who was 8 and me who was 3. Me and Kaleb were always close, i was so young but always remembered him being over protective of me and always wanting to hold me. We all were super close with one another though because that's how our parents raised us to be. All we always had was each other."

When Hendrix saw a tear slip out of her eye, he wiped it away for her. "Take your time mama, i'm right here baby girl."

Taking a small deep breath, she continued. "The night of the home invasion, we were celebrating Kaleb's 12th birthday. Jayda was brutally murdered right along with my parents. Kaleb and Sa'lai were dragged out the home by a big man and never seen again, and i was kidnapped." She frowned. "My kidnapping isn't something I want to speak on right now but I promise that one day when I can fully talk about it, I'll share it."

"After they were kidnapped, I never heard from them again but I did try looking for them at one point but my adoptive parents turned me away from continuing incase I found something I didn't want to." She continued. "Sa'lai found me a couple weeks ago and when I figured out who she was, I flew out here instantly to talk to her not knowing that her and Kaleb were living together or even in contact. Earlier today when he walked in on us talking, he snapped. He told me I didn't go through anything and that I lived a good life. He told me that he's not checking for me and they were fine without me and that's hurts Hendrix."

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