08| I couldn't wait to see you

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There was something about butterflies swarming around in her stomach that kept Mercedes on edge

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There was something about butterflies swarming around in her stomach that kept Mercedes on edge. Last night after reading Kevin's letter and drinking the night away after learning that her siblings were never killed, Mercedes had woken up this morning to a sweet text from Hendrix telling her to be ready tonight at 8. He'd flew back into town earlier than he was supposed because he couldn't wait to see her. His flight was got in at 6:45 and his flight back to Houston was heading out at 4:24am. Mercedes was so excited to finally be seeing him again and was swelled with joy that he was making the time for her like he said he would.

Staring at herself in the mirror that Hendrix had in his kitchen, she sported an all black Givenchy sweatshirt with bike shorts underneath paired with her Rick Owens. She'd recently took her wig off so she was now rocking her natural curls. She had decided against make up tonight and had settled for lashes and lipgloss. As she admired herself, she didn't notice Hendrix had stopped cooking and set his eyes on her.

"You just so beautiful mama." Hendrix spoke up.

Mercedes quickly turned around and covered her face from blushing so hard. "I didn't know you were watching me."

"I was letting you do your thing." He chuckled.

Tonight instead of going out to eat, Hendrix had decided to cook for Mercedes at his apartment. He was making stuffed chicken, cheesy garlic mash potatoes, and asparagus and crescent rolls to go with. Mercedes was honestly ready to dig in because everything smelled so good. It was refreshing to see that he knew how to cook because not a lot of men did. Mercedes was already blown away with how much of a gentlemen he was but the fact that he could cook too had her ready to drop her drawls.

"How long have you known how to cook?" She questioned once he'd went back to preparing the meal.

"My whole life." Hendrix chuckled. "My mother taught me when I was younger so that while she was at work I'd be able to cook something for myself if I was hungry. Eventually when Harmony came along, I started to have to cook more frequently because her little ass was always hungry."

Mercedes laughed. "Don't do my girl."

"My fault." He chuckled. "How's working been treating you this past week I been gone?"

At the sound of that question sighed. "I have not been all week." She frowned. "I've been having a lot on my mind so I've been neglecting the shop but I'm back on my grind tomorrow. I have to go to the warehouse to check on restocks for online, I have 4 appointments tomorrow, and then I have to find myself a flight to Miami because I'm going to look at a store down there in a 2 weeks but that's been something I've been hiding from everyone."

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