18| Popping The question

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Standing by the door, Mercedes waited for Hendrix to pull up

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Standing by the door, Mercedes waited for Hendrix to pull up. Tonight was date night and she was super excited to be spending time with her man alone. They had got back from Houston two days ago so yesterday and part of today was spent with her helping packing orders at the warehouse and accepting new appointments for the upcoming week. Mercedes felt like she had been slacking bad on her business so now her attention was turning towards getting appointments done, focusing on the next launch, and getting her store in Miami together. Her next launch was in 2 weeks so next Wednesday-Friday she was heading out to LA on business.

This upcoming week, Sa'lai and Kaleb were flying out to Atlanta to spend some more time with her. Although they went out and had lunch the other day, it was still a lot they needed to learn about what another. The whole time at lunch, Georgia and Hendrix couldn't stop mugging Kaleb who payed them no mind. Mercedes was just happy that they were now back in her life and they were working on building a bond again.

Hearing her phone ding with a message, she opened it quickly thinking it was Hendrix but to her surprise it was Jason. She hadn't talked to him since the last time they'd had sex so for him to be texting her was a shock. As far as she knew, he was back home with his wife.


What's up mama. Haven't talked to you in awhile. Wanted to check in to make sure everything good with you. I miss you being at the club for real. You don't fuck with us over here no more lol. Pray you doing well little one🤍.

Before she could respond, a message from Hendrix came in and she quickly walked out of her building. Hendrix stood by his car with the passenger side open. "What's up Babygirl." He smiled and opened his arms for her. Mercedes quickly hugged him back and kissed his lips.

"I missed you stinka." She pouted.

"I missed you more mama. You look good as fuck." He raked his eyes over her body. "I'm taking that shit off you tonight."

Mercedes blushed with a playful eye roll. "You could take it off right now if you want."

Hendrix chuckled. "Get yo' ass in the car before I say fuck this date."

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