19| Let's Talk

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Sitting on his zoom call, Hendrix ran down the basics to his new store manager Zakaiya

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Sitting on his zoom call, Hendrix ran down the basics to his new store manager Zakaiya. He had interviewed her over zoom today after spending a few days going over her resume, running her background, and hitting up her previous jobs to make sure she was good. Everyone had good things to say about her and her interview went extremely well. She wasn't nervous and she assured Hendrix that she would handle his store with care. "I'll be in New York next week to officially show you around this store and get you set up. Considering we have no associates right now, you'll still be paid starting from Monday and on. I have interviews lined up for when I'm in town so we should be all good to go by the end of this month." He expressed to her. "I thank you so much for actually joining for the interview today. Welcome to the tea!"

Zakaiya smiled. "Thank you so much Mr.Wilburn for this opportunity. I promise I won't let you down."

After hanging up the zoom call, Hendrix closed his laptop and leaned back in his chair. He closed his eyes for a minute and thought back to the letter he received from his father yesterday. James had sent him yet another one and this time he forced himself to open it. His mind couldn't seem to shake the fact that he was still the same manipulative man he was years ago. After all this time he still wouldn't admit his wrong doings. Instead, he just put Hendrix down like he always did.

To my son,

I know your little ass been getting my letters little nigga. You too bougie to talk to your father now or some shit? Don't forget that I raised you boy. You think you grown now and shit but remember you still the same little boy that wasn't shit when you were younger. I been telling your ass to come see me and you ain't been not once but you bring your ass in here to see Kevin. Fuck both of y'all. You ain't nothing just because you got money. You the same little boy that use to yell and cry when I would beat your ass. You ain't never been no man. You always been a little bitch.

Anyways, how my wife doing? She ain't been hitting me back either. I guess she forgot how vulnerable she use to be for me. Your mother think she got it all now because you rich and shit. I guess she forgot that she use to NEED me. Even after the bitch got her ass beat and so called tried leaving me, she still asked me for money. Begged me too. Even gave the pussy up a couple of times for it.

Y'all all use to need me and now y'all forgot who really run shit.

You better pray I never get out of here because I'm coming straight for your little light-skin ass. All that money you got belong to me. Don't forget that little nigga.

Be blessed and tell my daughter daddy said hi

Taking a deep breath, he stood up and grabbed his keys. He headed straight to his mothers house considering what James had said in his letter. He needed to know if hat James was saying was true. His mother had always told him that after she left James for good, she never backtracked.

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