08.2| You have to want better for yourself

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Staring at herself in the mirror, Mercedes cried softly to herself

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Staring at herself in the mirror, Mercedes cried softly to herself. Her face was all bruised up from being slapped, punched, and thrown into the glass table that was in there living room. Her hair was a disheveled mess and her body had little pieces of glass sticking in her skin. As she stood there, she ignored the sounds of Maurice angrily banging on the door.

Tonight the two of them had gotten into an argument about him cheating on her again but this time he'd gotten the girl pregnant. Mercedes had went off on him and their argument resulted in a fight starting between the two. When Mercedes had called Maurice a bitch ass nigga and compared him to the abusive man his father was, Maurice being already drunk, lashed out and started to choke her out. It wasn't until she started to fight back that he started beating her like she was a man on the streets.

Mercedes wished she would've just left it alone. After all she knew she wasn't leaving him.

"YOU SUCH A DUMB ASS BITCH. YOU LUCKY I AIN'T KILL YOU!" Maurice yelled. "You ain't shit but a little worthless bitch that let's me walk all over you. I don't even know why I still keep allowing your dumb ass back into my life. You ain't shit to me but a dumb ass bitch and a piece of ass. ON GOD. That's all you good for is laying on your back. Ion' even love you. Bitch lost her virginity at 4 and think somebody going to want her." He started to laugh. "Man I promise you when you open this door, I'm dragging you out of my house."

Mercedes took everything he'd been saying in and cried harder. She knew that by tomorrow he'd be apologizing and bringing home gifts for her. She knew he'd want to fuck on her to show her that he was "sorry" and unfortunately she'd let him do it because she loved him. Maurice was her everything. She loved him more than anything which was why she stuck around and allowed him to dog her out. She knew that he didn't mean the things he did and one day he'd change.

Sitting in her chair with her legs pulled up to her chest and a cup of coffee in hand, Mercedes stared over at Khaliah who was sleeping peacefully. Last night, Mercedes had cleaned up her wounds, helped bathed her and had given her soft new clothes that weren't bloody to put on and then held her until she'd eventually fell asleep after crying so much. No matter how Mercedes felt about her sister, she felt her heart break seeing her like this considering 2 years ago this was her.

When Mercedes had first seen her, Khaliah's eye was beaten shut, her lip was busted and bruised, there was handprints around her neck and she could barely walk. Mercedes had to have one of the security guards carry her up to her apartment.

Seeing Khaliah start to move around, Mercedes frowned when she started to groan from the pain she was feeling in her body. "Take it easy. You're going to be much sorer today." Mercedes spoke up causing Khaliah to look up at her through the one eye she had open. "I was giving you time to wake up but I'm calling dad and Keon. I don't care what you say."

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