14| Should I take a step back?

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Opening her eyes, Mercedes stretched before looking off to the side of her

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Opening her eyes, Mercedes stretched before looking off to the side of her. She chuckled seeing Georgia sprawled out with her hand over her eyes. Last night after walking out on Hendrix show, she'd dragged Georgia with her and the two had went to the bar to get drunk. They spent the whole time at some club dancing on strangers, drinking, and posting themselves on their stories acting a ass. Mercedes had blocked Hendrix after he'd started texting and calling her back to back and had it in her mind that she was flying home today. The only thing was that she had to go back to Hendrix place to get her things.

After brushing her teeth and taking a quick shower, she wrote a note for Georgia and sat it next to the bed letting her know she'd be back later on and slipped out after slipping one of Georgia's sundresses on. Mercedes called herself an Uber and the whole ride to Hendrix house she felt her nerves circling around in the pit of her stomach. Especially when they pulled up and she'd seen both of his cars in the driveway.

Stepping out, she walked up to the front door and knocked before taking a step back, a few moments later Hendrix pulled the door open. When he seen that it was Mercedes, he walked away while she walked in and closed the door behind her softly. Hendrix plopped down on the couch while Mercedes stood there with a frown on her face.

"So you don't got nothing to say for yourself after last night?" She spoke up.

Hendrix looked up at her. "I ain't with that childish shit Mercedes. I been blowing your phone up. Even while I was still at my fucking show trying to enjoy my shit and you had a nerve to block me like we fucking kids or something. I ruined my whole fucking night trying to call your ass and you come rolling in here the next morning after you was outside dancing on niggas and shit. Get the fuck on man."

Mercedes chuckled feeling herself growing agitated. "How the fuck you mad at me when I'm the one that caught you hugging some female in the bathroom?" She gritted.

Hendrix clenched his jaw. "It wasn't just any female Mercedes. It was my sons mother. If your ass would've let me explain before you went running out in the middle of the show, you would've known that. Me and her ain't on no funny shit. She came in to say her piece and we hugged because we were both going through it. Nothing more than that." He expressed. "I can admit, it was wrong of me but you should've let me explain."

"Naw I don't give a fuck about an explanation when somebody got me fucked up and you had me fucked up." She shrugged. "I was wrong for leaving in the middle of your show like that and I apologize but I wasn't wrong for blocking you and I stand on that. My feelings were hurt because I walked in on a nigga that's working towards being my man holding his baby mother. I know how shit like that go and it had me thinking should I take a step back because I'm not dealing with no nigga who still in love with his baby mama. I don't give a fuck how much I like you. I'll walk away real quick."

Hendrix sighed not wanting to argue with her. He stood up and headed over to her until he was in front of her. Mercedes on the other just looked at him with a look of uncertainty on her face. Hendrix reached out and grabbed her waist and pulled her into him. "Me and Samaria had a complicated relationship." He started. "When we were good, we were good and when weren't, we really weren't. It was a good relationship that turned toxic before and after the death of our son."

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