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Sitting at the bar, Mercedes took down her second round of shots before waving the bartender over and ordering another round

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Sitting at the bar, Mercedes took down her second round of shots before waving the bartender over and ordering another round. She slid him another $100 dollar bill before looking down at her text thread with Georgia. After sending over 15 text messages to Georgia in the last week, Mercedes stared down at the message she'd sent 2 minutes ago hoping that she would respond to this one.

To My Georgie❤️

Im going to kill myself.

When she seen the text bubbles pop up, she sat up in the stool she was sitting in with a hopeful smile on her face but when the text bubbles disappeared moments later, she felt the tears start to sting in her eyelids before she quickly locked her phone and wiped at her face. When the bartender bought over her shots, she took down all 4 in under one minute. "Damn baby. Slow down a little bit." She heard from beside her making her turn around with a frown. There stood a fine 6'2 dark skin. Mercedes eyed him up and down.

"Don't you think you should mind your business." She mumbled.

The man chuckled and slid into the stool next to her. "I'm Paul and you are?"

"Uninterested." Mercedes frowned staring over at him.

Paul nodded. "I'm just trying to make conversation little mama. Telling me your name ain't a crime you know."

Mercedes eyed him before rolling her eyes. "My name is Pandora." She told him lying. She hated giving strangers her name and the only thing that seemed to pop into her mind was her stripper name. The last time she'd used this name was the night she'd given Hendrix a lap dance for his birthday so for her to even be saying it now seemed weird.

"Pandora?" He raised an eyebrow. "That sounds intoxicating and different. I like it."

"Thank you." Mercedes smiled a little.

"So are you single?" Paul asked making Mercedes tense up and frown.

"I am." She mumbled.

Paul nodded. "So can I have a chance to take you out and get to know you better?" He questioned. "You're very beautiful."

Mercedes shook her head. "I'm okay. I'm not really looking for anything at the moment." She stated before sliding herself out the chair. When she stood up, she felt her vision start to get a little blurry and dizziness taking over her body. She was definitely drunk. "I-it was nice meeting you Paul but I have to go now."

Paul just raked his eyes over the little dress she wore. "You have a good night Pandora."

Mercedes smiled a little. "You too." She said before grabbing her clutch and making her way out of the bar.

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