21| Set Up

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Leaning against his car, Hendrix waited for Kevin to come walking out of the gates

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Leaning against his car, Hendrix waited for Kevin to come walking out of the gates. He was nervous, anxious, and excited all in one. Already Hendrix had got him set up at his place, he had set him up with a job at his store here in Atlanta, he had 10k in cash laid out on the bed at home for him along with some new clothes and shoes and he had his barber waiting for them to show up for him to give Kevin a fresh line up.

Hearing the gates start to open, Hendrix stood up off his car excitedly. When he seen Kevin coming out, a huge smile formed on both of their faces. "What's up my brother!" Hendrix squealed and grabbed Kevin into a hug once they were close enough to each other. Hendrix felt the tears start to hit his shoulder while Kevin gripped him tighter.

The last couple of weeks inside had been hell for him. 2 weeks ago he had got into a fight with James in which he had beat James so bad that he had to have medical treatment. James kept taunting him and calling him all types of rapist and Kevin grew tired of it. He found himself taking his anger out on Jame's face which left him with a broken nose, a fractured jaw, and a closed eyes. The guards had threw him into Solitary Confinement and he was kept there for 3 days but Kevin knew that once he got out, James would send his men after him so he begged Lanceon to please keep him down there until his release day.

While down there he thought about taking his own life numerous of times and the day he was about to do it, Imani showed up down there and sat and talked with him through the cell for hours. Kevin had learned that she was freshly 25, her father was a pastor and her mother was a Lawyer. He also learned that she was single and focusing on loving herself for the moment. Kevin could honestly say that talking to her had him feeling great. She sat there and listened to him talk about why he felt so empty inside and that was exactly what he needed. Kevin knew that a woman like Imani wouldn't care for him outside of them walls but to know that she cared enough that day to sit and have a conversation with him meant a lot to him.

"Thank you for coming to get me man. I appreciate you brother. Real talk." Kevin wiped at his eyes.

"It ain't nothing. I told you I got your back and I meant that." Hendrix looked at him. "Today is the day your new life starts and I'm going to make sure you have everything you ever wanted. I mean that. I can't give you them years you missed out on back but I damn sure can make sure the years you have left are filled with you living."

Kevin just smiled. "I love you Hendrix. For real man."

"I love you too now get your ass in the car and let's get you cleaned up." Hendrix smiled.

Once they had got Kevin a hair cut and cleaned up, Hendrix and him decided to chill at his place until it was time for them to head out. "Did you see dad before you walked out?" Hendrix questioned Kevin.

Kevin sighed. "Yeah I did. He was sitting there looking like a lost ass puppy for real but it felt good to know that the last look I got of him will be the last one I will forever see of him." He let out a breath. "That man put me through pure hell and ruined my fucking life man. He had me in there ready to kill myself every damn day. Shit, even a couple days ago I was ready to end it all."

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