16| Sibling Bonding

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Sitting in his car, Hendrix sat back scrolling through applications on his phone for his store in New York that was still closed

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Sitting in his car, Hendrix sat back scrolling through applications on his phone for his store in New York that was still closed. He was waiting for Harmony to come out so he could take her out to lunch and let her do some shopping. Already he had been waiting 15 minutes and she still hadn't came running out of the building. Hendrix already knew Harmony was slow so he didn't let himself grow agitated.

Seeing a FaceTime call coming in from Mercedes, he quickly answered it and when she came into view on the screen, Hendrix quickly sat up with a frown on his face seeing the tears streaming down her cheeks. Immediately he felt his anger seeping into his body seeing how red her eyes were. "Who the fuck did it?" He questioned.

Mercedes wiped harshly at her tears. "I-I want to come home. I don't want to be here anymore!" She cried. "Kaleb just pissed me off so bad. I want to fight him."

Hendrix furrowed his eyebrows. "Who the fuck is Kaleb?" He questioned.

When Mercedes realized that she'd just slipped up and said Kaleb's name, she quickly sat the camera down and cursed to herself. She was so caught up in her emotions that she had forgot she'd told Hendrix that she'd flew out to Houston for business. With her never telling Hendrix she had siblings, she didn't feel like flying home from Miami was the right time for her to open about her siblings.

"Mercedes I know you heard my question. Who the fuck is Kaleb and why the fuck he got you crying?" He asked again. When she didn't answer again, he started to shake his leg feeling himself grow agitated. "Mercedes I swear to God if you out there entertaining another nigga, I will be on the next flight to fucking Houston. I know your ass hear me asking you shit. Stop playing with me bro. Real talk."

"He's my brother!" She yelled out before picking the phone up and staring into the camera. "I-I lied about why I was coming out here. I didn't come out here for business, I came out here to see my sister who was kidnapped the night my parents were killed. I only came to see my sister because we reconnected a few weeks ago but my brother Kaleb and her live together. He came in while me and her were talking and he disrespected me Hendrix. He's so fucking disrespectful and I want to fight him and I can't stop crying. He really hurt my fucking feelings." Mercedes started to cry harder.

Running his hand down his face, he took in what she was saying. Now wasn't the time to get on her about lying to him so he decided against saying anything about what she'd just told him. "Stop crying Babygirl. Take a deep breath and calm yourself down before you have a panic attack." He told her hearing her start to hiccup through her tears. "I'll be in Houston tonight. Don't go nowhere near that nigga until I get there. Understood?"

Hearing him say that, Mercedes quickly started to shake her head. "Y-you don't have to come here. P-please don't." She told him.

"I'm coming and that's final Mercedes. Ain't no nigga about to disrespect you. I don't give a fuck who he is. I ain't with seeing you cry so I'm flying my ass there. I don't give a fuck and it's clear we got some shit to talk about asap considering you lied to me about this fucking trip." He stared at her. "I'll be there tonight."

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