15| We meet again

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Sitting in her hotel room, Mercedes doubled over in laughter seeing Georgia trying to learn a tik tok dance

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Sitting in her hotel room, Mercedes doubled over in laughter seeing Georgia trying to learn a tik tok dance. The two of them had landed in Houston an hour ago and were trying to decided whether or not they wanted to just show up at Sa'lai's apartment or reach out to her via social media first. At the last minutes Georgia had decided to fly out here with Mercedes just incase things went left and they had to beat some ass.

"Bitch sit your dumb ass down!" Mercedes screamed. "You look so fucking crazy."

Georgia started busting out laughing. "I'm so dead. I don't know how these young ass kids do it. I'm so out of breath. Lord knows." She laid on the floor.

Once Mercedes had gotten her laughter under control, she took a sip of her water. "So tell me what I should do Georgie. Are we pulling a pop up or should I reach out to her first? I don't want to seem like a creep just showing up at her place because if somebody did that to me, I'm shooting them. Real talk."

Georgia chuckled. "I say you reach out to her first and tell her to meet us at the restaurant we about to go to. Hopefully her ass text back quick."

"Bet that." Mercedes smiled before grabbing her phone. She had found Sa'lai's Instagram after typing in so many names until she just typed in her middle name Imani and it popped up immediately. Pressing the DM button, she typed what she had to say before quickly exiting out the app and throwing her phone.

Hey lovey💕 it's Mercedes here..well Salanii but of course you know that. I knew from the moment you walked into my shop that something was off about you. From the way your were just looking at me to you giving the last name Jones as if I wouldn't start to get skeptical. Then when you came for your appointment you asked questions customers never thought to ask me and you even encouraged me to look for my siblings but what did it for me is seeing the birthmark on your lower back when you stood up.

After you left I decided to have background ran on you and nothing was found on Jasmine Jones so I had your real name ran. Sa'lai Imani Jones and guess what came up....your picture🥺. I was so happy to see your face so my suspicions could be confirmed. I flew out here to Houston because I want to meet you in person, I want to talk and catch up and find out how you found me. I want to get to know my big sister..

Me and my friend are about to head to Lucille's. If you're not doing anything right now PLEASE meet us there. If you can't make it there then I would hope that sometime in the next two days you make time for me💕

 If you can't make it there then I would hope that sometime in the next two days you make time for me💕

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