25| Time to talk it out

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Sitting across the table from Hendrix, Mercedes stared down at the table as she fiddled with her fingers

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Sitting across the table from Hendrix, Mercedes stared down at the table as she fiddled with her fingers. After jumping up out of her sleep with tears rolling down her face this morning, Hendrix had held her and allowed her to cry about the events of last night. Mercedes couldn't grasp the fact that she was about to be raped yet again. Mercedes couldn't understand what she had did wrong to make someone want to violate her yet again. She was respectful, nice, and patient with Paul so she couldn't understand why he acted out the way he did.

After taking a shower and crying to herself, Mercedes had gotten out and got herself together before coming downstairs only to see Hendrix sitting there waiting for her. She knew it was no way around this talk so no matter how much she wasn't ready to speak on everything, she knew that Hendrix wasn't letting her walk out that door without saying anything.

"U-um," Mercedes cleared her throat. "I guess I'll start."

Hendrix just stared at her so she took that as a sign to start. She pulled her legs up in the cheer and pulled them to her chest. "J-James, your father, kidnapped me when I was 3 years old after murdering my whole family. H-he had a hit put out on my family. My mom was sexually assaulted by him right in front of me, Sa'lai and Kaleb, she was beaten, and then shot in the head. I-I still remember seeing her locking eyes with me while James let himself and the 5 men he had with him run a train on her." She teared up. "M-my father Samir w-was beat with a metal bat by James and my older sister Jayda was shot repeatedly."

Hendrix just stared at her with sadness in his eyes. Hearing all this was making him sick to his stomach and to see her sitting there with tears rolling down her cheeks was hurting him either more. Already he knew the story would only get worse from here.

"A-after that, I was snatched away and so was Sa'lai and Kaleb." She frowned. "James took me and from there he started-" She paused feeling her body start to shake.

"Take your time Babygirl." Hendrix coached her. "I'm right here and if you don't want to speak on this, you don't have to. I'm not pressuring you."

Mercedes shook her head. "I-it's okay. Y-you deserve to know." She stared at him.

Hendrix just nodded and she continued. "From there he started to rape me everyday. H-he started to beat on me and force himself on me while keeping me in the cold and dirty basement of his home." Tears rolled down her cheeks. "H-he wouldn't feed me, allow me to shower, nothing. He just raped me, beat me, and filled me up with his cum every time. I-I was so young so I could never fight against him because he'd only beat me black and blue and my little body was already suffering enough.

He clenched his jaw and started to bounce his leg up and down. "I- I don't think I can hear anymore of this." He teared up.

Mercedes ignored him and continued. "For 6 years I went through that and he forced a Kevin to watch." She frowned again. "He forced Kevin to drag me by my hair sometimes and one time he tried to get Kevin to rape me too but he cried so bad that James knocked him unconscious and did it himself. That night he raped me so bad that I couldn't move the next morning. I was bleeding and everything was hurting."

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