10| Family Gatherings

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Pushing the door open to her shop, Mercedes walked in and smiled at Tiera who stood behind the counter

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Pushing the door open to her shop, Mercedes walked in and smiled at Tiera who stood behind the counter. "Good morning lovey!"

"Good morning my pretty boss." Tiera smiled. "Your 10am is already here for you. I sent here back to Room 6 to have her get prepared and everything. I offered her some refreshments and wine."

Mercedes smiled. "This is why I love you. Thank you so much."

When she headed back to her office, Mercedes pushed the door open and dropped her bags onto the couch. She had picked up a few more items for the shop today and had even made it her business to stop by the warehouse on her way here to check on how everything was going. The next drop was scheduled for Mid-March and Mercedes was super excited about. She was introducing a new kind of face scrub, A mango scented face mask and she was announcing the drop of her very new lip and face oils.

Walking over to her desk, she frowned seeing another letter from James had come. Quickly she picked it up and headed over to the box she kept them in. She dropped it in there and sighed when she noticed that the box was almost full. There was no way this man hadn't taken the hint that she didn't want to be bothered yet. He had already taken everything from her and now he still wouldn't leave her be.

Going over to her mirror, she pulled her hair back into a ponytail and took a deep breath. "I wish I had a drunk right now." She mumbled before grabbing her phone off the desk and heading out to Room 6.

When Mercedes reached the room, she knocked softly and waited a few seconds before opening the door. When she did, she found herself chuckling at Jasmine who sat there on the little bed snapping photos of herself.

 When she did, she found herself chuckling at Jasmine who sat there on the little bed snapping photos of herself

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"I am so sorry." Jasmine said before immediately sitting up. "I just had to snap a couple of before shots before you bless my skin. Lord knows I need it."

Mercedes chuckled. "Your skin is already beautiful. It's clear and it looks like you have a very good skin care routine. What have you been using?" She asked.

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