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"Only another week until I get to see that pretty face again

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"Only another week until I get to see that pretty face again." Hendrix smiled widely as he looked at Mercedes. The two were on FaceTime and while Mercedes was laying and her bed, Hendrix was at his photoshoot in New York. Mercedes had been on his mind ever since he left Atlanta a few days ago. He couldn't wait until next week when they'd be out in Miami together for a few days. Although it was business for the both of them, Hendrix had already set up a list for the things they were going to do when they weren't busy

"I can't wait to see you." Mercedes frowned. "I actually miss you. We've only been talking for a little over 2 weeks and already I want to be around you every second of my day. That's scary." She chuckled.

"Why is it scary mama?" Hendrix questioned.

Mercedes shifted in her bed some. "Because I feel like I'm growing attached to you too quickly. I don't know. I just don't want to get my feelings involved too quickly and you start to pull back." She expressed.

Hendrix nodded. "Understandable but just know that how you're feeling is exactly how I am also. I miss you too and just like you, I find myself wanting to be around you my whole day. Shit, that kiss you gave me still stuck on my mind. Got a nigga' just wanting to hold you and kiss all on you." He smirked. "You don't ever have to worry about me pulling back mama. I promise you I been holding out on you with how clingy and shit I am."

Mercedes laughed. "Oh for real?" She raised an eyebrow. "So you the type that would wanna' be in my skin?"

"Hell yeah." Hendrix said quickly making them both start busting out laughing. "But in all honesty, I'm liking our vibe and I'm feeling everything about you. I know it's still a lot we don't know about each other yet but trust me when I say, these days in Miami that I'm free, I'm spending every moment with you. Learning you, spoiling you, and being all up on you."

Mercedes started to blush. "You're making my cheeks turn red." She squealed while pulling the camera away from her face.

"That's what I'm supposed to do mama." He told her just as a knock sounded at his office door. "But these niggas' coming for me now so I have to get back to the shoot but Ima' hit you back later on tonight."

"Ok." Mercedes smiled. "I hope the rest of the shoot goes well and be safe when you're leaving."

"Thank you mama." He smiled before hanging up the phone.

After getting back to the shoot, Hendrix wasted no time hopping back into his bag and knocking out the shoot. After he was done, he stood off to the side looking at the images with the photographer. "Man these are fire as fuck." He spoke. "You did your thang my boy."

Carter laughed. "You know I always gotta' come extra hard for you bro"

Upon leaving the shoot, Hendrix headed past his store. When he walked in, the loud music filled his eyes and he noticed how the store was packed but no one was by the door watching, customers were waiting in line with no one at the register, and not one employee could be seen in sight attempting to make their way to the register. Furrowing his eyebrows, he walked up to the register and headed behind the counter. "What's good everyone. I'm so sorry that everyone is waiting. If you just bare with me, I'll get you all out in a few minutes. Also, I'm sorry to everyone that is shopping but after everyone in line right now is rung out, the store will be closing for the day. Again, I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you for shopping with Hendo Armandi also!"

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