32| Closure

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Sitting down on her couch, Mercedes ran her hand over her small pudge while she stared down at James letter sitting on the table in front of her

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Sitting down on her couch, Mercedes ran her hand over her small pudge while she stared down at James letter sitting on the table in front of her. For the past 3 days she had been eyeing it and putting off opening it but today she told herself that she would open it, read it, and close that chapter of her life. Now that she was progressing in life and about to be a mother again, she wanted to be fully healed when her baby girl or baby boy got here.

Sighing to herself, she leaned forward and picked it up before opening it and pulling it out. Shifting some, she crossed her legs and began to read over it.

Dear Salanii

I once had a brother. His name was Jerald and he was 4 years older than me. My brother was always in the streets, always disappointing me because I wanted better for him. He was always getting himself in deadly situations. Growing up we was close. Real close. We did everything together because we was all each other had. My father was abusive and he raped us all the time and my mother was a drug addict who overdosed when I was just 15.

I know you don't care to know any of this so let me get straight to the point. I killed your family because your father killed my brother.

Jerald was a seller for your father and when he found out Jerald had been stealing product and money from him, he killed him. Killed him with no fucking hesitation and sent his head to my family's front door.

That day it happened I was the one who opened the box and seen him there with eyes open just dead. He didn't deserve that. He never did. I don't give a fuck what he did. He didn't deserve to be murdered that way.

After that I swore to myself I would get revenge on whoever did that to him and I did just that. For 2 years I spent time studying who your father was. I knew his every move. I knew about him, your mom, and your older sister Jayda. Beautiful, precious Jayda.

After that I started hanging on your fathers corners until one day his men snatched me up and delivered me to him. Of course he chewed me out for hanging on his corners because he thought I was the feds. After I proved I wasn't and told him how I knew the game and could move product, he gave me a chance and a chance turned into him becoming like a big brother to me.

I really did love your father like he was family BUT I couldn't forget why I had did all this. Once I was good I'm with him, It took me 6 years to really execute my plan. I had to make him trust me. Make him feel like I would never snake him so that's what I did. I showed him I could be loyal. I killed niggas for him, robbed niggas for him, and buried Niggas for him because I knew that I would be burying him soon enough.

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