20| "Family" Dinners

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Sitting on the couch, Mercedes nervously played with her fingers while her parents sat in the kitchen with Hendrix giving him a talk

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Sitting on the couch, Mercedes nervously played with her fingers while her parents sat in the kitchen with Hendrix giving him a talk. Her and Hendrix was the first ones to arrive tonight for family dinner and as soon as they'd walked through the door, Tracy and Daron had asked to talk to Hendrix and told Mercedes to wait on the couch. Her nerves were bad and she was anxious to know what they were questioning him about.

She knew that her mother was easy going but her father was a whole different story. He didn't play about his girls so he was going to always make sure someone had the right intentions with her or Mercedes before he determined whether he like them or not. Daron had high hopes for Hendrix considering how proudly Mercedes spoke about him but guys loved to put on acts and Daron knew that. Especially with the way Maurice ended up being.

"Mercedes!" She heard her father call making her jump up quickly and rush into the ktichen.

"Yes?" She asked once she had walked into the kitchen and frowned when they all started to laughed at the expression on her face. "What's funny?"

"Relax your face cedes bug." Daron told her. "We love him." He told her making a huge smile appear on her face. She immediately ran to hug her father.

"I knew y'all would!" She squealed before moving away from her father and going to attack Tracy with a hug.

Hendrix just shook his head with a small chuckled. "Baby relax before you hug them to death." He said seeing how tightly she was hugging her mother.

"Sorry." She stepped back. "I'm just excited they loved you because if my daddy ain't like you then you would've had to have go."

"Oh for real?" Hendrix raised an eyebrow.

"Yup." Mercedes, Tracy, and Daron all said at the same time while staring at Hendrix making him bust out laughing.

"Y'all crazy for real." He shook his head.

By the time 7 had rolled around, everyone had arrived for dinner and they all sat around the table. Keon sat next to Daron and Tracy while Kaleb and Sa'lai sat on the side with Hendrix and Mercedes who was biting down on her lip. Hoping that everything went well. Already she could tell that their was tension between Kaleb and Keon who couldn't stop mugging one another. Before Kaleb and Sa'lai got here, Mercedes had told him about why she didn't fuck with Keon or Khaliah and all Kaleb had heard was that Keon had laid hands on her and that had him hot. He was ready to break Keon's neck while Sa'lai on the other hand was ready to beat Khaliah's ass for how foul she was but she had promised Mercedes that she would be cool.

Kaleb on other hand just mumbled a serious of mhm's when asked to not show his ass tonight. The talk that Mercedes and Sa'lai had given him had went in one ear and out the other.

"First I would like to say that I thank Mercedes siblings for deciding to join us tonight." Tracy spoke up. "It's a pleasure to have Kaleb and Sa'lai here with us." She stared at them both. "Mercedes had always talked about how she wished you guys were alive and she even searched for you both at one point. It's so heart warming to see you two sitting here now."

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