25.2| I don't want to talk about it

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Mercedes snatched out of his hold

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Mercedes snatched out of his hold. "I just find it funny how you still fucking with her." She mumbled looking down.

Hendrix clenched his jaw. "MERCEDES!" He yelled making her jump. "Sit down and start talking."

She sat down on the couch and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't want to talk about it Hendrix." She frowned her face up. "Can you respect that and we drop it? I think we already talked enough for the day."

Hendrix chuckled lowly. "You must thinking I'm fucking joking Mercedes. Why the fuck do you have a loaded gun in your fucking car? I'm not going to ask you again. Stop playing with me. I'm not in the mood."

"I was going to kill myself okay!" Mercedes yelled. "Is that what you wanted to fucking hear?"

At the sound of that Hendrix eyes widened and he furrowed his eyebrows. "You were going to do what?" He asked.

"You heard what I said. I'm not repeating myself." She mumbled. "Now I don't want to talk about it so can I get my keys and leave? Please."

"Not until you tell me about them bottles and that gun Mercedes." Hendrix gritted again. "You think you going to tell me you wanted to kill yourself and I'm letting you leave? Who the fuck do you think I am Mercedes?"

Mercedes shook her leg up and down. "I drink my fucking problems away Hendrix okay? You fuck bitches to ease your pain and I drink to ease mine!" She yelled at him. "I killed my own fucking baby because I made a dumb ass decision. I lost everything in the midst of 20 minutes! My happiness got ripped away from me again so excuse the fuck out of me! I have no reason to live. My parents hate me, my brother is in a fucking coma, my sister and best friend don't fuck with me because of my own selfish ass decisions, I lost the man I love, and I lost the chance of being a mother again. I minds as well be dead Hendrix. That's why I have the bottles and that's why the fucking gun is loaded and it's going to stay that way!"

Hendrix felt his heart break seeing her body start to shake and her breaking down again. "I want to fucking die. I don't want to be here anymore Hendrix. I want to be with my parents and it hurts!" She cried out while clutching her chest.

Hendrix teared up and walked over to her. He sat down next to her and pulled her into him tightly like they were earlier. In this moment he didn't know what to say so he just held her while she cried and the more she cried, the more his heart broke hearing her loud cries. It was clear that Mercedes was hurting and needed help.

"I-I just want God to take me." She continued. "I-I'm tired of hurting. I-I want my parents. I-I want to see them again."

Hendrix let his tears fall down his face. "It's going to all be okay Babygirl. I promise you it'll all be okay."

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