1- a little bit of history

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"MOM! KIKI IS  BOTHERING US AGAIN!" Greyson yelled up the basement stairs. "There! Now mom will make you leave us alone! " He taunted.

"Yeah? Well I'm going to tell her that you are being a dumb head and playing killing!" She yelled back her little fists clenched at her sides. She stood glaring at her brother with all the frustration in the world.

"She won't care." He shrugged and looked at his friend.

"She will so and she will tell you that WESTLEY has to GO HOME." She pointed at her brother's friend who was sitting on the floor dividing out nerf bullets.

"Nuh-uh, Westley is sleeping over, so too bad so sad, go cry to your stupid dolls." Greyson sneered at his little sister. He looked over at his best friend and back at his sister angrily.

"But if you play killing mom is going to call Miss Cathrine and tell her Westley has to GO HOME." She yelled back red faced and angry. She stomped her foot to make her point.

"Kiki, just go upstairs!" Westley sighed. And rolled his eyes.

"You SHUT UP WESTLEY THE WORSTLY!" She screamed at her brother's best friend. It was bad enough that they were leaving her out of the game, and her brother was being mean, she didn't need Westley to join in.

Greyson smacked his sister's arm. Hard.

She smacked him back and then pretended to cry loudly.

"What on God's green earth is happening right now?" Their mother arrived at the top of the basement stairs holding their toddler bother who was covered in some sort of brown wet mess. Their mom wiped his face with a wash cloth as she addressed the fighting. "I'm trying to feed your brother."

"MOM! Kiki is being a brat. She won't leave us alone!" Greyson yelled sticking his tongue out at his siter out of the view of their mom.

"NO! I just said they weren't supposed to be playing KILLING and he and Westley got mad!" Kiki looked up the stairs with her best good girl look.

"Doesn't matter, Kiki go get ready auntie Tara is coming to take you swimming with Pat." Their mom disregarded their argument.

"YES!!!" Kiki took off up the stairs. "Later looser!" She felt like she had won. Both her and Greyson loved to go swimming and he didn't get to go, it was only her this time.

"No fair!" Greyson said looking upset. He looked between Westley and his mom with his mouth open like he was appalled by the news.

"You have Westley over. Now go play." She waved her hand at him and disappeared from the door frame.


"Listen you boys! It is Kiki's first time at sleep away camp and you have to keep an eye on her." Westley's mom looked them both in the eye as they stood at the trunk of her car gathering their bags.

"Yes, Ms Catherine." Greyson said begrudgingly.

"Do we have to?" Westley whined and slumped his shoulders.

"Yes you absolutely have to!" She scolded.

"But she is so annoying!" He said flopping his sleeping bag onto the grass.

"See? I'm not the only one who thinks she is annoying!" Greyson said like he had proven his point. He looked up to his friend's mom for acknowledgment but was met with her shaking her head in disapproval.

Kiki came up behind them with her mom and little brother following at a distance.

"Be nice." She warned.

"Miss Catherine, mom says that Jack is being a handful and she needs help with our sleeping bags." Kiki gestured back to where her mom was trying to grip the little kid's hand as he fought to get away.

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