26 - that was a weird compliment

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Kim brushed her teeth in the basement bathroom to get ready for her first night in her new room. She had gotten home and was hot from the walk so she had taken a quick shower and put on her lightest pajamas, a pair of Tiffany blue satin shorts and matching tank top her aunt had given her from her lingerie store.

The conversation between "cleavage" and her friend about the boys that had been in Kim's life since she could remember played in her head. On one hand she really liked the girl Grey had asked out. She seemed sweet and excited to be out with him. Cleavage on the other hand, Kim did not care for her at all.

A soft noise got her attention from outside the bathroom. She assumed it was her mom coming down to see if she was OK down there on her own.

Kim pulled her hair up in a loose bun and put her toothbrush on the edge of the sink before going out to say goodnight to her mom.

Kim exited the washroom and came face to face with West. He jumped at the sight of her.

"What are you doing down here?" He asked.

"My house, I live here." She said incredulously.

"But why are you in the basement?" He asked again.

"I moved down her for a quiet place to study. Not that it is any of your business. Besides, I should be asking what YOU are doing in MY basement." She crossed her arms under her breasts.

"I have been letting myself in that door for years. I think I am the only one who actually still has a key to that door." He grinned.

"That tracks. My dad used to think Grey stole it. He was grounded for it when you guys were-" Kim said.

"Sixteen? That's when Grey made me a copy and took the other one." He continued to gin at her.

"Cool." She said standing in the living room by the washroom door.

"So-" He started and took a step towards her.

"Night!" She said and turned on her heel, she took two steps into her new room and closed the door behind her. She crossed the room and went to put her phone on the charger on the night stand. The room was dimly lit by the bedside lamp.

"Kiki!" West followed her ignoring that she had closed the door.

"Hmm?" She said not turning around.

"Kee!" He said insistently with confusion.

"What Westley? What do you want? Why are you even here?" She turned quickly and met his eyes with fire and pain in her own.

"Kee? What is going on?" He reached for her and the instant his hand touched her skin the tears she had been fighting all day flooded her eyes.

"How was your DATE?" She snapped pulling away from him roughly and crossing the room to put the bed between them so he couldn't touch her so easily again.

"What date?" He asked looking amused.

"Westley, you can FUCK RIGHT OFF." She said her voice rising.

"Kee, talk to me." He said moving closer, she stopped him with her hand in the air.

"Ok 'real talk' time. ONE Grey told me about your double date this afternoon. TWO you texted me and then ghosted. THREE I have enough stress with exams and this fucking cast and what ever, that I don't need you making me feel like shit!" She said wiping the tears of betrayal spilling over her hot cheeks.

"I don't know why Grey told you it was a date. We were hanging out with some friends from work. If he has feelings for Iris, that's a him thing." He said starting to look a little worried.

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