12- so now you care?

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"Get in the car." His voice was hard and cold. Not the amused or joking voice he usually had when she greeted him with rejection.

"No! You are not my brother!" She pouted.

"I am fully aware that I am not your brother, yet I am getting a text message at midnight that my sister is too drunk to function at a party with God knows who!" He looked angry.

"I want Grey to get me." She said.

"Get. In. The. Car." He said it in such a way signaling he was no longer willing to discuss the subject.

Kim walked around and got in the passenger seat. She was getting annoyed by his constant appearance when she needed a ride. Was this a joke or maybe the cosmic hint that she needed her own car.

West got in and left the driveway with out a single word or glance in her direction.

She could tell he had something he wanted to say. Her alcohol marinated brain wasn't firing on all cylinders.

"What?" She snapped.

"I don't want to say anything I will regret." He said between his teeth.

"Oh so now you have something to say? Cool. Let's hear it." She sat up and challenged.

"Why am I getting messages at midnight that you are drunk at some random guys house?" He asked.

"Because that girl thought you were my brother not Grey. So she messaged you and not Grey!" She snapped again.

"That's not what I meant!" He said trying to hold in his anger.

"Oh, so now you care? Hilarious. You are mad now? Interesting." She said leaning back in her seat with her arms crossed.

"What the fuck does that mean?" He snapped.

"Oh nothing. Everything is all funny and jokes and what ever." She said turning to look out her window.

"Being drunk around a bunch of strangers isn't funny!" He yelled.

"Strangers? I don't think so." She snubbed him.

"Yeah? You knew every single person at that party?" He challenged. She could see the tension in his hands as he gripped the steering wheel. His shoulders bulged with pent up anger.

"No not all of them, but it was a cast and crew thing, not a wild orgy thing!" She yelled before she remembered the orgy party was in her imagination.

"Well that's good to know!" He sneered. "You need to grow up and realize-"

Kim saw red. Having him tell her to grow up was the final straw. She wasn't going to be able to hold in her feelings any more.

"GROW UP? ME GROW UP? You absolutely stupidest of fucking ASSHOLES! I had to grow up, super fast!  You didn't give two shits but I DID. I HAD TO.  You MADE me have to grow up and you never even bothered to NOTICE! I HATE you! You ruined EVERYTHING." She screamed at him through hot tears.

"What do you mean?" He asked his anger laced with curiosity.

"OH. MY. GOD!  You have no fucking idea! None! You just went off to happily live your life! WELL GOOD FOR YOU! I was here! I stayed and took care of EVERYBODY!  How DARE you act like you even know me any more?" She huffed almost out of breath as the emotion sat raw in her chest squeezing her heart.

"You still shouldn't be out drinking." He said. "Is this what you think grown ups do?"

"FUCK YOU. I HATE YOU." Kim yelled whipping off her seat belt. The car was stopped at a red light and she did not care about anything but getting away from him. She opened her door and leapt out and then slammed the door as hard as she could before turning and marching away.

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