20- Flake Eating Shed Tart Dragon

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Absolutely NOT!

She was not a damsel needing a white knight. She could figure this out. She needed to think logically and stay calm. People handled worse things every day.

She knew the basic layout of the room so she calmed her racing mind and thought of where she believed she was in relation to the door and the closets and racks. She was hoping to tip herself over gently and slip free of the restraints.

She rocked herself forward and scared herself. She flung her weight backwards and couldn't correct it in time. She felt herself falling and tucked her chin down hoping to avoid hitting her head on anything that might be behind her.

She was half successful. She fell and her head avoided the initial impact but the force was so strong she couldn't stop the whiplash that sent her head backwards.

The impact made her dizzy. Her eyes watered and she lay on her back still attached to the chair.

"Well shit." She said out loud.

She was suddenly exhausted from struggling for so long. She had no sense of how long she had been there or how long she had been fighting against the restraints.

She let herself relax for a moment. She knew it was up to her to get herself free but she also couldn't keep fighting past the point of exhaustion while her head pounded.

She closed her eyes to meditate and calm herself. She needed a new plan.


Kim jolted awake.

She hadn't meant to fall asleep but she had. Now she really had no idea how much time had passed. She could have fallen asleep for a few seconds or even a few hours.

Her wrists burned where she had twisted and turned and pulled against the tape holding her to the chair.

"I don't want to ne here!" She yelled and fought like a caged wild animal against the restraints holding her limbs.

Her left leg gave way as she kicked with all her might. Whom ever had taped the scarf in place hadn't done it correctly and she managed to kick her way free.

"Ok, Ok! Now what?" She asked herself feeling like she was making progress. She tried to push at the other leg hoping to also kick free but she wasn't so lucky.

She raided there leg and felt around the air for anything she might be able to use to help her free herself.

She thrust her leg and her body to the right hoping to shift the chair and explore a little more. Instead she rolled the chair ending up on her right side.

Her arm was pinched between the floor and the arm of the chair that held her entire weight.

"Ouch! You fucking fuckerson!" She yelled loudly as the chair kept pressure on her soft flesh.

The move proved to help her twist her left arm and she thought she might be able to pull free. The scarf was loose enough but the tape remained sticky on her skin. She took a deep breath and pulled her arm as hard as she could.

She felt the joints in her shoulder tweak and her wrist lit up with pain but she had freed her left side. Both her arm and leg were free.

Her left hand fingers tickled and tingled and she cursed them as she worked on the rest of the restraints.

She had to work in small batches. Her hand was feeling weird and not fully cooperating and she was tired.

Slowly she got herself free. Ripping tape from her exposed skin and finally escaping the chair.

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