21- worse things happen

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Kim opened her eyes when she was hoisted from the cool hard floor onto a soft gurney.

"Hey there!" A young guy said noticing her eyes were open.

"Are you taking me home now?" Kim asked confused.

"Everything is fine, we thought maybe a doctor should have a little prep though, Ok?" A soft motherly voice e said soothing her.

"Yeah, Ok. I bumped my head, and hurt my arm." She told them.

"Ok honey. Do you have a purse?" The motherly voice asked from somewhere Kim couldn't see.

"In the drama room, white cubbies shelves, mine says Stage Manager Kim" Kim said closing her eyes against the light.

"Ok you rest now Hon, we've got you."

With that Kim nodded and smiled and fell back asleep.


Kim heard an incessant beeping and at first begged silently for it to go away before she realized it must be her alarm and she was obviously very late.

She lurched violently up from her pillow and sent her head into a tail spin.

"Woah, slow down sweetie, you are Ok." Her moms voice calmed her as she sunk back down into her pillow.

"I'm going to be late!" Kim insisted.

"You are fine. You have a bump on your head." Her mom said softly using a voice she reserved for babies and little animals.

"What is wrong with you? I have to get to school for the clean up? Mr. Rossi is counting on me!"

"Kim, you are in the hospital. Do you remember how you got here?" A different voice asked making the memories come flooding back.

"Yep. I do." She replied. "But I really do have to go."

"I called Mr. Rossi. You are fine." Her mom said with a gentle but no nonsense voice.

"Ugh! That's NOT FAIR! I want to finish my JOB!" Kim said before instantly regretting her decision to yell.

"Let me get you some pain killers." The nurse said before leaving the room.

"Pain killers then home right?" Kim said attempting to gesture towards the nurse with her left arm. She looked down.

"What is this?" Kim asked horrified.

"You broke your wrist and arm, they had to do surgery to fix it." Her mom said with her voice catching in her throat.

"Well that's dumb! I have things to do! I have to close up the closet and then the party is tonight!" Kim said looking at her mom like all it would take for her to be healed was permission.

"Aneese called earlier. They postponed the party until next week once they found out you were hurt and she assured me she had the closet handled." Her mom told her.

"This is so stupid!" Kim was mad.

"Do you know who did this?" Her mom asked using her soft voice again.

"Nah, it was some prank or what ever." Kim waved her right hand to dismiss it. She caught a glimpse of her arm. It had a long red line down the side and a giant black bruise stretching from her wrist to her elbow. "What in the world?... oh, yeah." Kim questioned before remembering.

"Here take these." A nurse returned and handed her a small paper cup and some pills. "And I have this." She held up an IV bag to add to the pole attached to Kim's arm.

"Thank you." Kim said and happily took the pills. "My head is killing me."

"The detective is here." The nurse said more to her mom than to Kim.

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