27- I like you a little

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Kim didn't work until the afternoon so she lay in bed beside her sleeping boyfriend and didn't move.

She could hear his soft snoring and feel the warmth of his body against hers. Neither had bothered to redress the night before so her bare chest lay against his.

She replied the soft sound of his voice telling her that he loved her over and over in her head as she listened to his even breathing and his heart beating rhythmically.

She wasn't sure what was going to happen next for the two of them but she didn't want to keep hiding him in the basement.

Her cast hand started to itch and she tried to gently pull away from her position cuddled against West so she could scratch it but he wrapped his arms around her and made a cute displeased face and pulled her back against him in his sleep.

She lived there now. The scent of his cologne and sweat filling her nose. The feel of his skin against her cheek. The weight of his arm holding her heavily around her shoulders. And the insane itch plaguing her left arm.

She was going to have to move eventually, she was starting to realize that she had to pee.

She moved quickly not giving him a chance to react. She watched as his face grimaced and he rolled over to hug her pillow.

She slid out of the bed and pulled his shirt on before going to use the washroom. She liked having his smell with her.

Since they were in the basement the bedroom remained mostly dark as she let herself out of the room. She used the washroom and debated going upstairs for something to eat, but decided she wanted to cherish every moment she had with him in her bed before reality took him away.

She tried to be as quiet as possible as she snuck back into her room and closed the door. She had placed a few pillows in the windows to block the morning sun and they were working to keep her room dark.

She lifted the blankets and tried to slide in delicately but she wasn't graceful. She ended up bouncing into the spot she had left and pulling the covers over herself.

"Kiki?" West mumbled reaching out with one hand.

"Shhh, go back to sleep." She whispered.

His face broke out in a wide grin and with out opening his eyes he rolled over to cuddle up against her.

"I love you." He said and his breathing evened out again and he was asleep. AGAIN.

Her heart did a somersault in her chest. Why did he keep doing that? Maybe he only loved her when he was really really tired.

There was no way her overthinking brain was going to let that go with out examining it to death. She decided to focus on the feeling of his body heavy with sleep tucked against her.

It wasn't long before her own breathing evened out and she relaxed enough to feel the weight of sleep overtake her again. Before she could fall asleep she pressed a kiss to his sleep warmed skin. He shivered and they both smiled as she fell back to sleep in his arms.


Kim woke up to the loud incessant ringing beside her bed. She groaned and reached for her phone. She opened one eye slightly and saw her mom's face on the the screen.

"Kim! Don't you have to work?" She asked as soon as the line connected.

"Hmm mmm" Kim confirmed and stretched. She was warm and cozy.

"Well get up then! I am taking Jack over to Newmarket to get him some new cleats. If you want to get a ride you have to be ready in 30 minutes." Her mom said trying to hustle her along. She looked at the time on her screen.

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