8- Little Jumpin' Jack Flash

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Kim was hot and sweet from cleaning so she pulled her dress over her head and tossed it onto the table before letting herself out to the pool deck.

The pool was calm but the deck was littered with shoes, towels, pool toys and t-shirts.

"How the FUCK did they leave WITH OUT THEIR CLOTHES?" She stomped her way around the deck picking up all the discarded items. She hung up the towels and clothing and put the deck shoes back in the bin by the back door.

She walked over to the pool and put her favorite floating chair at the edge and jumped into the deep end of the pool letting the water soothe her steaming mood.

She swam lengths until she was to tired to continue her muscles felt exhausted but good and her mind had calmed down considerably.

She pulled the chair into the water and climbed in. She was still angry but not furious like she had been.

"I should have tossed all their crap into the pool." She said aloud to herself. "But somehow that would end up with me getting into trouble."

She let her shoulders relax and she forced herself to go over her weekend plans. She worked at the pet store from six am until two, then she had to go over to the school for costume fittings from three until when ever she was done. Sunday she worked from eight until noon and had plans with Aneese to go shopping to replace some of the props that had been destroyed. There was a flea market that was having a clearance event so it would be a great place to search for unique and cheap props.

The sound of the sliding door drew her attention and she glanced over expecting to see her mom.

"Jeeze, she even cleaned the deck! She is going to be so pissed." Grey was saying. Kim expected to hear Jack reply but her stomach dropped when it was Westley's voice.

"You owe her big time dude." He laughed.

"Me? I don't think so. Little jumpin' Jack flash owes her. It was his friends that made the mess." Grey defended.

"It was you in charge of those little gremlins though." West reminded him.

"Yeah, but still Jack should be glad he went to that kids house for a sleep over. Kim isn't known for her forgiving nature." Grey said.

"Yeah what is with that. Is she mad at me or something? She seemed OK, then she was like being kinda mean but not anything too bad, but today she was just cold." West said.

Kim was glad that the pool lights were out and she had left the patio lights off. She had her back to the boys so in the dark they hadn't noticed her only a few feet from them as they talked.

"Yeah, I have no idea. I told her not to be such a bitch and she was acting all weird saying she didn't know you. You guys have known each other as long as we have, like what? Fourteen years?" Grey said sounding confused.

"It's just weird." West said and Kim silently gave him the finger.

"You're weird." She whispered angry at him for talking about her.

"She just needs to grow up." Grey said making Kim want to punch him in the face. He had no idea how much she had grown up in the last few years.

"I mean yeah, maybe." West didn't sound convinced but it still made Kim's white hot anger return full force.

The boys were lucky that they took their exit just then. She was about to leap out of her lounger and throttle both of them. They honestly had no idea what they were talking about.

Every interaction she had had with West since he had returned had only served to infuriate her further.


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