3- I'm not dating right now

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Kim stood in the doorway of the drama room with shock freezing her in place.

"I know, I know! I don't know what happened!" The drama teacher, a very short man with a European accent stood in the middle of the room flapping his arms.

"But-... how-... we-..." Kim's brain couldn't make sentences and survey the scene before her.

The twelve hours of work with eleven people on the job, lay on the floor in heaps and tatters.

The racks were emptied, the shoes tossed around or tied to each other or other things, some missing their laces. Belts and necklaces tied in giant balls, clothes tossed around. Props were moved, dismantled, smeared with make-up or mixed up.

Kim wanted to scream. The mess was going to take hours to clean and organize.

"Who would do this?" Aneese was crying beside her.

"The world's biggest asshole?" Kim said still frozen in place.

"What are we going to do?" Aneese cried into her hands. Kim flipped her favorite chair back over and located the cushions so that she would have a place to sit. She sat her friend down and pointed to one of the few crew members who had also arrived on the scene to get her some water.

"What are we going to do?" We are going to be thankful this didn't happen the night before a performance and start in one area and work our way through." Kim said. Finally able to move fluidly again.

"Eddy can you grab my laptop from my bag?" Kim asked looking up briefly to see who was around.

He retrieved the bag.

"The rest of you get to class. I will have assignments ready by the end of the day." Kim took charge.

"Mr. Rossi, can you please go excuse Aneese and I from class this morning?" Kim asked looking at his sad face. He nodded and tried to gently move debris with his feet as he moved.

Kim sat down and went to work on her lap top and didn't look up until the room was quiet.

"A, we are going to need coffee, I don't know if you have the car today but please make that happen." Kim directed.

"On it." Aneese finally moved from her position, poised for instructions, into action. She left the room and closed the door leaving Kim alone.

1. Assign specific areas to each team member.
2. Print inventory list, need clip boards, note paper, pens and highlighters
3. Set up area for repairable damage
4. Collect and assess items beyond repair for replacement and/or repressing.
5. Check shelves and racks for damage
6. Reorganize entire closet.
7. Re-pull costume looks.
8. Note any known missing items.

She was pissed. This was the first play she was basically completely in charge of and on her third day of working with the props and wardrobe she was already in crisis mode.

Aneese returned with Iced coffee and found Kim moving furniture.

"What on earth are you doing?" She asked surprised to see her friend she-hulking a desk.

"I am going to get as much of the big stuff out of the way as possible, and then start with the delicate stuff. Once the team gets here after school I will be ready for their help." Kim said greatfully accepting the cold drink.

"How long do you expect this is going to take?" Aneese looked around at the chaos.

"More time than I had." Kim sighed and righted a chair.

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