23- bitch on a power trip

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"I am fine!" Kim laughed at Aneese who was acting like her bodyguard and a spy all at once as she guided her friend through the halls.

"I am in charge of the Kiki protection detail!" She said stopping Kim with her arm and checking around the corner before allowing her to continue.

"Ok, who told you to call me Kiki?" Kim laughed.

"Last night? Grey? He said we were on Kiki protection until who ever did the 'prank'- as you like to call it- is caught." She said whipping her head from side to side looking for danger.

"Well can you pretend it is a secret mission?" She laughed.

"I mean, I guess I could, but I am not going to let those hooligans ruin the last three weeks of school!" She relaxed a little. "I am so mad for you."

"Well, as much as I'm not thrilled about it, I am dealing." Kim said putting her uncasted arm around her friend.

"How is your head?" Aneese asked quietly as they found their seats in their first period class.

"It's been better." Kim admitted.

"I bet you could get a doctor's note and not have to write exams!" Aneese said looking at her grinning.

"I'm good. I just want things to be normal." Kim insisted.

"Wanting it to be normal and having it actually be normal is not the same thing." Aneese said sympathetically.

"Unfortunately." Kim muttered.

"Do you... uh, never mind." Aneese started but then shook her head.

"No. What?" Kim demanded.

"Do you think that the 'pranksters' were targeting the play? Or, like, you directly?" Aneese asked quietly.

"Take your seats!" Their teacher interrupted their conversation.

Kim was frozen in place. She hadn't considered that possibility. If they were after the play, that was over so the 'pranks' were also over. If they were after her personally, however, they likely were still after her.

"Well thanks for that thought!" She said glaring at the back of Aneese's head.


Kim arrived at work emotionally exhausted and stressed. Her head ached and her arms weren't much better. Her cast was heavy and awkward leaving her shoulder sore and a kink in her neck.

"What happened to you?" Jen sighed like she was irritated that Kim showed up less than perfect.

"You ok little darling?" Malcolm came up behind Kim.

"Yeah, no, I'm fine." Kim smiled at her friend.

"Can you even work?" Jen snapped rudely.

"Hey there Jen, You seem like you could use a break, why don't I cover the floor and get Kim here, started." Malcolm stepped between them.

"What ever, but I can't just let people hang out and not work while they are on the clock." Jen said eyeing Malcolm.

"No one would expect you to do that. Why don't you go take a break and I will get Kim set up on cash." Malcolm said putting a hand on Kim's arm, signaling her to stay quiet.

"Fine. Whatever!" Jen turned on her heel and stormed away.

"Wow!" Kim said swallowing around the lump in her throat.

"You pay her no mind. She likes to put her emotions on others and she had to deal with a rude customer, not making excuses, just reminding you that it won't do you any good to react." He told her as he lead her to the cash registers.

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