28 - P.A.T.H.E.T.I.C

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Kim went up to Eddie who was standing at the restaurant door. The evening had turned cool and big fat raindrops started to splash around them.

"Hey!" Kim greeted with a big smile.

"Hey!" He smiled back. "How is your studying going?"

"Ugh! I can not wait to be finished!" She said shaking her head. "You?"

"Oh I had a light semester, I knew with the play taking up so much of my time I wouldn't have time for a heavy work load." He shared.

"Oh smart! I just took a regular class load. Then again I didn't know I was going to get the stage manager job when I selected my electives." She shrugged.

"True. Too bad." He said.

"Hey Guys!" A slightly damp West greeted them as he joined them under the overhang protecting the front entrance.

"Westley?" Eddie looked surprised.

"Hey man." West shook his hand. Eddy looked surprised and looked from West to Kim like he was impressed by West talking to them.

"What brings you here?" Eddie asked trying to pretend he understood what was going on.

"Dinner." West smirked and gave Kim a sideways glance.

"Oh! Oh, um OK you guys have a great t-time! See you at school Kim!" Eddie looked at her one more time before running out into the rain.

"You ran off my date." Kim said turning to him with her hands on her hips.

"That guy? You would rather eat with that guy?" West said grabbing her hand gently between his fingertips.

"I thought we were seeing other people in public." She said with a smirk and shrugged, she turned on her heel and walked into the pub.

"Kiki, I am sorry!" He said following her to a booth in the dimly lit restaurant.

"Ok." She said sliding into the tall backed booth.

"Ok? Ok what?" He asked sitting across from her.

"Ok you're sorry." She said.

A waitress approached the table with a bright smile.

"Hi there! Can I get you both some drinks?" She asked only looking at West.

"Hi there! My boyfriend will have a coke and I will have a sprite please." Kim said loudly and with a big smile. The waitress realized she was staring and immediately looked down at her note pad. She made a note and shuffled away quickly.

"I really am sorry." He sighed. He reached out taking her hand on the table and playing with her fingers.

"Sorry you went out with another girl? Sorry you didn't tell me about it? Or sorry that I found out about it?" She asked. "Oh! Or sorry that you started something with me when you and Grey could be off living it up this summer?" She leaned back and crossed her arms.

"I'm sorry about going out at all. I was thinking I was hanging out with friends until we were already out, then it definitely started to seem more date like." He admitted. He looked to have a mixture of embarrament and shame cross his handsome face.

"Well I'm sorry that I am a little jealous, she gets you out in public, and while our private time has been... magical, I want to be allowed to touch you when ever I want." She said touching his feet with hers.

"I definitely like our private time." He grinned his boyish grin that reminded Kim that he was the same kid that walked back to the campsite after her bike got a flat tire when she was twelve. She remembered that they had talked and he was nice and sweet and funny. That might have actually been when her crush started.

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