9- nintey-six old friends

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Unknown number don't think I forgot about ice cream tonight. Pick you up at seven.

Kim- who is this?

She hadn't given her number to Westley and she was sure he hadn't saved it for two years so she pretended to not know it was him.  She was sure that he hadn't gotten it from Greyson so how on earth had he managed to get it. She didn't want him to have it.

Unknown number- cute Kiki. Be ready at seven. Wouldn't want to disappoint Benny.

K- I'm going to have to meet you there. Seven is fine. Tell Benny I am excited to see him.

Unknown number  Just him? Ouch Kiki!

She didn't respond to that. She had set a plan in motion and she wasn't going to get off track.

She couldn't wipe the smile off her face as she showered and dressed. She made sure to be ready in plenty of time to be there to see his face when he arrived.


Kim sat at the picnic table in her heavy black hoodie watching for West to arrive. The night was cooler than the days before and she was surprised how well her last minute plan had worked even though it wasn't the best night for ice cream outside.

West pulled up and looked around in surprise.

Kim had asked Grey to help 'Benny' surprise West with some old high school friends.

Kim couldn't help but smile as she watched the surprise on his face as he registered all the familiar faces. She made her way over to Benny and took him under her arm ignoring the bewildered look from West.

"Come on Benny Bear. What kind of ice cream do you want?" Kim asked and steered him through the crowd.

"Hi Kimmy! I want chocolate!" He grinned at her.

"I think I am going to get chocolate peanut butter!" Kim said as they joined the line.

She kept a side eye on where West was and noticed him catching up with some old friends as she and Benny ordered their ice cream. She brought him over to where she had left her backpack k to save the spot.

Shawnee's was never that busy on a Sunday and never on a cool night in May. That night, however, people milled around through out the parking lot and picnic area.

Kim had told Grey how she had seen West and Benny at the pet store and how they had made plans to get ice cream, leaving out the details of how it had actually been West's idea. She made it sound like Benny wanted West to see his friends, so she asked Grey to invite any of their old friends to meet them for ice cream.

Apparently word had spread and all the collage aged former classmates decided to meet up and have an impromptu class reunion.

Kim focused on Benny making sure he was enjoying his treat and that he wasn't getting too cold.

A few people Kim knew stopped by to say hi but for the most part, she was able to sit and chat with Benny.

After an hour Benny was yawning and Kim knew it was time for him to get home to bed. It was a school night afterall.

West and Grey were talking to different groups of people so she knew it was the perfect time to escape. She texted Ms Cathy saying that she was bringing Benny home and then she texted both West and Grey letting them know she had to take Benny home so Grey was going to need to get a ride with West.

Kim had managed to keep her word and have ice cream with Benny and still completely avoid West. She grinned to herself as she drove away from the ice cream shop.

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