16- I like this kind of hello

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There was absolutely no way that any of that happened. Kim walked to work in the morning watching the sun glint off the rain soaked world like it was the most spectacular crystals. It was early and she should be tired but instead her mind floated and her heart soared.

What was even real any more?

Kim walked to work but her mind was on West.

"I KISSED West!" She said out loud to no one as She walked.

The rain had lasted all night but had stopped just before she had left for work. Normally she would have gotten a ride or asked to borrow the car, but she was in the mood to walk that morning.

She hadn't spoken to Aneese yet and she wanted to keep her secret for a little while longer.

When she arrived at work her manager was on a rampage.

"Great Kim! Finally! Get all this shit out of here." Jen yelled pointing to about ten loaded skids of pet food blocking the loading dock.

"Did we just get a delivery?" Kim was confused. Pet food delivery was once a month on  Friday, and it was Sunday morning.

"No! Dingle berry Dave left it here!" She was fuming. She thrust a note at Kim's chest.

"Hey, I wasn't sure what to do with this so I left it here. Dave." Kim laughed after she read the note. She looked at Jen who did not share her amusement.

"The shipment from yesterday was declined because they couldn't get the skid loader through to accept the shipment! Now it was redirected to Monday at six am. So all this needs to be out of here!" Jen was yelling, which normally made Kim incredibly uncomfortable. Kim was in too good of a mood to let it bother her.

"I can get it all into stock." Kim assured her.

"Alex will be here in a couple of hours, he can help." Jen nodded and huffed away to go yell about something else.

Normally it wasn't Kim's section to do pet food. But she knew how so she set to work. It was going to be a very physical day. Pet food was heavy.

She started out in the store filling the almost empty shelves.

"What the hell? Why is their no stock out? Who worked yesterday?" Jen demanded. Kim shrugged, it hadn't been her who neglected the job so she just continued.

"This is not a good use of your time Kim!" Jen yelled.

"I just thought-" Kim started thinking she was in trouble.

"No! You should be unloading the toy shipment! Not covering for someone else!" Jen yelled again. Now Kim was confused, she wasn't sure if she was in trouble or not.

"But there was no toy shipment?" Kim said quietly.

"Exactly! So now I have to cover THAT and put us even further behind!" Jen turned on her heel and left Kim to return to her task.

Kim filled the shelves to capacity and even filled the overflow stock on the top shelf before Alex clocked in.

"Don't even look at her. She is in full dragon mode!" Kim warned as Alex checked the list for his assignment.

"Why are there delivery skids in the loading dock?" He asked.

"That is the reason for the dragon mode! Dave left them there Friday and no one touched them yesterday either so we had to decline receipt of the toy shipment yesterday." Kim filled him in as she pulled the last few remaining bags of pet food she needed off the skid to the stock shelves, and put them on a trolly.

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