25- strong and powerful woman

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Kim's mood went from neutral to miserable in a few short words. She looked down at her books and notes and sneered. There was no way she could concentrate on studying. She got up and stretched her legs. She did some stretches she had learned in gym class and then paced around the guest room.

Her phone dinged and she rolled her eyes.

A- are you working on the homework? I can not figure out the questions on the reading. I know it is supposed to be exam practice but WTF?

K- yeah, I did it what do you need help with?

Kim sighed. She had expected West to message her back. She cursed herself for being stupid. If he was on a date with someone else, he probably didn't have time to message her.

By the time she had finished helping Aneese with the essay and had made dinner and eaten it in her new space, she was tired. She had read over her notes as she ate and had a good grasp on the material that she would have to know for her exams.

She checked the time on her phone when she flipped her books closed. It was eleven o'clock on a Friday. She should have plans, but she didn't. She should be out with her boyfriend, but instead he was out with someone else. She should be doing something more than scrolling videos in her pajamas.

I am not sitting around here waiting for a stupid boy to call! I am a strong and powerful woman. I am going to go do ANYTHING that *isn't* being home.

She forced herself up and with great determination she dressed to go out and stormed up the back steps and out the side door leaving it unlocked so she could get back in later.

She had no plan which she hadn't considered before she was half a block away from home.

She wandered towards the center of town hoping that her brain would come up with an idea. She could only think of about three places open at that time of night that might interest her.

She let her feet direct her as she let her thoughts wander.

If Grey knew I was outhere on my own he would have an absolute fit. But honestly? Who cares? He isn't my parent. He isn't even that much older than me. He thinks since dad left he somehow gets a vote on my life, but that is just stupid. I can take care of myself. I have been doing it for years while he was at school.

Her thoughts kept her attention while her feet kept moving. The night air was cool but still warm enough to be comfortable.

She actually found that she was enjoying the walk when she realized she had made her way to Shawnee's. There were a few cars in the parking lot and the picnic area had one or two occupied picnic tables.

Apparently her unconsciousness wanted ice cream.

She ordered a peanut butter cookie dough explosion. She liked that it had all of her favorites. Chocolate ice cream, vanilla ice cream, chocolate chip cookie dough, peanut butter cookie dough, peanut butter sauce and chocolate chunks. It definitely wasn't for the faint of heart. Since it wasn't busy it wasn't hard to find a place to sit.

Kim had always liked people watching so she found a place tucked between the shop and a giant fir tree. She watched as a young couple laughed and talked animatedly over slushies. A group of girls stood by their car trying to pretend not to notice the group of guys who were showing off to get their attention. Two older couples shared a table and talked quietly ignoring the rambunctious teens in the parking lot.

Kim ate her treat and watched as the boys somehow infiltrated the group of girls and the young couple left with out cleaning up after themselves. The two older couples were packing up when a car pulled in.  It was nothing to take note of usually, she had watched people drive in get their orders and leave, but this car, she recognized it almost immediately.

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