13- You want honesty?

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Kim woke up Saturday with a head ache. She lay in bed thinking of the conversation in the dark on the side of the road. She blushed heavily when she remembered how boldly she had asked West if he was going to kiss her. She remembered yelling and confessing and crying.

Well she was sure she could never show her face in public again. She felt humiliated. West had said he had had feelings, big feelings. He never said if those feelings had expired. She still didn't know what he was feeling.

Her phone dinged. She expected it to be a message from Aneese who was picking her up to go to the school around ten.

W- hey can we meet up and talk? Maybe I can get you after work? Are you busy tonight?

K- I will be at the school working on the play until maybe 8ish.

W- I will pick you up.

Kim was surprised. West hadn't had enough talking last night? Maybe he had forgotten to say that she should move on and that he was moving out West permanently. West in the West. It would seem to fit.

Kim hopped out of bed and showered. She needed to wash the feeling of drunk emotions off her skin. By the time she had gotten home she was ready for her pillow and nothing else.

Aneese arrived with a bright smile and Iced coffee at ten o'clock sharp.

"Where did you go last night?" She asked.

"Ugh, home. I had way too much to drink." Kim left out the details.

"I stayed. I woke up this morning surrounded by cast members on the living room floor. They are going to have a rough rehearsal today." She laughed.

"Good thing today is the last on book rehearsal. Could you imagine them being off book and hung over?" Kim laughed at the thought.

"What is your plan of action for the day?" Aneese asked as they made their way to the school.

"They need to practice their changes in the dark. And quick changes in the dressing room. Last minute fittings. Last minute props and sets. Last minute job assignments. Make-up and hair trials. There is never a dull moment." Kim laughed.

"Wanna grab some ice cream after?" Aneese asked.

"Oh, I can't. Sorry." Kim said crossing her fingers she wouldn't ask why, but knowing better.

"Oh no? What's up?" Aneese asked. She was driving so she wasn't looking directly at Kim.

"Nothing really. Do you think Mr. Rossi is going to be mad that the cast is all hung over?" Kim changed the subject.

"Maybe, he knew the bonding night was last night and this isn't his first rodeo." Aneese laughed.

"True. I mean, even the director's were buzzed." Kim laughed.

"Which is the reason for the coffee this morning." Aneese gestured to their cups.

"A much needed treat." Kim nodded sipping her drink.

"I hope that everyone shows up! Remember our first year? The day after the party only half the cast showed up and Lacy had an absolute fit? She wasn't even stage manager yet. She was still just a stage hand. That girl has issues." Aneese said finding a spot to park.

There was no time for gossip that day. Kim was busy from the moment she entered the building. She was running between props, wardrobe, alterations, lighting and stage crew. She kept her clip board on a lanyard and kept Aneese on a text chain so she could put any changes or adjustments into the computer right away.

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