11- not in ten bazillion years

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The house was quiet. Jack and Grey sat in the living room watching some action movie but no one else was there. Kim felt weirdly disoriented. She was expecting a party.

"Who is all that food for?" She turned to West who was unburdening himself of the bags.

"US." He said nodding at the four of them.

"Where is your date?" She asked before she realized that was a story her brain had made up.

"What do you mean?" He asked digging packages out of the bags.

"Uh, like you guys don't have plans?" She tried to cover her weirdness with different weirdness. "Summer lovin' and all that?" More weirdness did not erase the previous weirdness that was for sure.

"Kim I think you need to eat something. You are being weird." Jack said from his position on the floor.

"Yeah. Maybe." She agreed.

Kim tried to find a spot as far from West as possible. She studied the food and everyone's spots and decided to sit opposite her oldest brother thinking West would settle in the arm chair leaving the center of the couch unoccupied.

She grabbed her burger and some of the extra sides to fill the lid of her burger box. She settled in to eat and West came around and ploped between her and Grey on the couch.

She couldn't focus on him. She was starving. The movie on the TV was some sort of action comedy thing that the boys seemed to enjoy.


Eventually the left overs had been put away and Jack had gone to bed. The three of them sat on the couch now in darkness watching a movie that made Kim want to hide her face.

The movie killer was stalking the young couple and since she was already a tense mess, the movie had made her extra jumpy.

The camera panned the couple's bedroom and a shape popped out from behind the door making Kim jump and grab West's arm. She focused on the move and continued to clutch his biceps for comfort.

She shifted his hand onto the arm rest so his arm was across her like a seat belt. She held on, hiding behind it and peeking out.

Her tired brain wasn't shooting warning bells into her ears anymore. It had gone to sleep and left her to her own devices which is never a good idea.

Kim shifted her weight so she was all but tucked behind West's shoulder. Her knees were curled up onto the couch and she death gripped his arm she had positioned for her protection.

She suddenly realized why horror movies and thrillers made great date movies. She could smell his scent and she wanted more. Snuggling up against him was something she had wanted for years and somehow she was.

She leaned in and pressed her face against his arm watching the killer creep through the bedroom while the couple got dressed in their on suit.

A door slammed in the movie and she jumped pulling his arm off the arm rest. His hand landed on her hip and she snuggled in farther to him. He never said a word. He never tried to pull away or shift positions.

Greyson sat on the other end of the couch oblivious to their position on the couch.

Kim watched the movie in a ball curled up in West's side. She liked the feeling of his warmth and how he protected her from the scary parts. She could hide her face in his shoulder or peer over his arm and he never took away the comfort of his presence.

After the movie Grey flicked the lights on and Kim immediately stood up. She was stiff from being so tense and curled up for so long so she had a quick stretch.

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