10- burgers or tacos

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"I'm so sorry I missed it." Aneese complained as she met Kim outside her English class so they could walk to science together.

"Worked like a charm! I got to have ice cream with Benny and not have to deal with West." Kim smiled.

"So did he pass the test or fail it?" Aneese asked with a chuckle.

"What test?" Kim asked confused.

Aneese stopped in her tracks and looked at her friend like she had just said the stupidest thing on the planet.

"You were testing him." Aneese said like it was obvious.

"No I wasn't! Testing him how?" Kim demanded as they decended the stairs.

"You wanted to see if he would seek you out in a crowd." Aneese said looking at her friend like maybe she really was lost.

"No, I wanted to distract him so I could hang out with Benny." Kim insisted.

"You can tell yourself that all you want, but if you are honest you know you wanted him to ignore all those other people and come find you. You were testing him." Aneese said sliding into her spot in the science room.

Kim didn't answer. What if Aneese was right? What if she was testing him? That would mean he had failed. He had big time crashed and burned type of failed. He hadn't even acknowledged her. Not even eye contact from across the parkinglot.

Suddenly her heart sank. She had felt like she had won at their game by preventing him from spending time with her, but now she felt like she had lost, spectacularly.

Aneese was right! If he had wanted to spend time with her he would have found a way to. He would have made a point of finding her. He would have excused himself and sought her out.

Kim decided that she needed to stop thinking about him. She had spent too long imagining what could have been if things were different. She had grown up so much, yet with in a week of his return her thoughts and feeling returned and suddenly she was fifteen again.


"Heads are gonna roll!" A voice called out to the empty seats of the auditorium. Play practice had moved to the stage for blocking and Kim watched for props and quick changes as she made notes on her script.

"But sir, he is only a lad. A school boy." A girl said with a weird strain in her voice.

"Cut!" The director called and marched up on stage. He went to speak to the actors so Kim had a few minutes to message her mom.

K- hey mom, rehearsal might run late. Are you still able to pick me up after?

Mom- I thought I told you tonight was no good. I have my work presentation in the morning. I stayed in the city.

K- I must have missed that memo lol. OK I will find a ride.

Mom- I messaged G he will get you after work. J is at home with C and B so don't be out too late. It is a school night.

K- love you!

Mom- love you. Be good.

Kim checked the time. It was almost seven already. They had gotten a late start because it seemed as though  the director had forgotten to notify the cast of the location change so they had all waited in the drama room down the hall rather than on the stage.

"Mr. Rossi, are we going to be out of here in the next hour? I have to get home early tonight." Kim asked her teacher who was on his phone in the row behind her.

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