15- a kiss is a promise

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West stood between her knees with his hands on the the trunk beside her hips. Kim sat still, almost frozen in place.

She wanted to kiss him so bad, she also wasn't sure about making the first move. Did he want to do it? Was it the boys job usually? Does it send the wrong message about her if she does it? What if she does try but then does it wrong? Is there a wrong way? How wrong does it get? Where do her hands go? Should she go in for the closed mouth soft peck? Or is like an open mouth kiss where it's at? OK so if it is open mouthed how do I know what to do? What if he thinks she is a bad kisser? What if he wants more? He is a collage guy now, they probably have sex instead of shaking hands! Why do movies make it seem so simple?

Her mind was spining out of control his proximity seemed to directly correlate to her intelligence.

He slid his hands around her slowly bringing her closer to him. Their eyes locked and he looked from her eyes to her lips and back. That simple flick of his eyes sent fireworks through her.

Before he could do anything further her brain shorted out and her hands slid up his arms to his shoulders and around his neck.

She pulled him in and kissed him. She pressed her lips to his with a brief gental touch at first. He responded quickly and passionately.

He pulled her in close so her arms reached all the way around his neck.

His lips were soft and strong. The feeling of his small gentle movements made Kim loose any thoughts she had. There was no world outside of their kiss.

He opened his lips against hers and she matched his movements. His tongue gently touched hers sending electricity through her body. She wanted to consume every part of him. She wanted to feel every part of him.

She pushed herself up so she could get closer to him. He pulled her against him and held her tight.

He pulled away slightly and looked down at her. She was in a state of blissful shock and just pulled his head back down so she could kiss him some more.

Why do people ever do anything else? She thought as his firm hands held against her back.

A Crack of thunder startled them making them jump apart. The rumble following told her that they may have missed a warning sign or two that it was about to rain.

Kim looked up to the sky as the rain started to fall. Her heart was singing so the cool drops didn't effect her.

"Come on, before you catch a cold!" West said and guided her to the passenger door.

She pulled him into her to kiss him again. She was going to have trouble controlling herself now that she had permission to kiss him when ever she wanted. Mostly because she wanted to all the time.

She put her hands on his neck and pulled his face down to her. She kissed him with the passion she had been suppressing for two years. He slipped his hands from her hips around to her back and pulled her hard against him. Another clap of thunder sounded and West started to pull back but Kim locked him in with her hands not ready to let him go just yet.

He growled low in his chest and tightened his grip on her waist. The kiss was hot and heavy, not soft and romantic. Kim could see how people could get carried away.

The rain began in earnest and West gently shoved her into the open door of the car and slammed it before running to his side. The moment he was in safely with his door closed Kim pulled him to her again. She was insatiable.

She didn't like the center console preventing her from having full access to him. She did like having the space to run her hands along the wet t-shirt that stuck to his chest like a second skin. She liked the feeling of his warm toned body under her hands. She wanted to crawl into his lap.

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